Leadership In Ernest

The distinctive quality between a leader from a follower remains that of critical Decision making nd policy adjudication which cut across all spheres of mental hierarchy. From time immemorial, in the annals of both socio-economic and political calibration, individuals to whom have been given the mantle to lead nd serve have always taken the ample opportunity of a lifetime to seriously differentiate between policies nd politics as such orientals will go a distant mile in shaping their success nd mindset. Consequently, when analysis of leadership is been tabled in the scheme of been a brilliant follower, though, to some extents but alas,such calculations might just been tailored to another brand of word fallacy as such preposition and supposition has never been holistically sampled inductively. The challenges nd pitfalls of a leader might seems to be like an onerous task capable of befallen his capabilities nd integrity, but one thing remain certain' failure is never an option for determined leaders'. George Washington once said' The harder the conflict the greater the triumph'. Obviously, it is crystal transperant that leadership is navigating the stem and tides to achieving desired results no matter the influenza as the case may ensued as 'a man with courage makes a majority'-Andrew Jackson (1782-1862).However, it is pertinent to state here unequivocally, that a purpose less leadership can never achieve any potent effects on his people as such leaders are only imagery of their illusive power, whims and caprices. Similarly, one can asserts to the standing facts that an individual who makes use of his cognitive psychology in piloting the affairs of a Nation as regards the welfare nd care of his people is indeed worthy of a leader as such peculiarity can only be gained through the act of wise decision making and positive adjudication of policies. Well, From the aforementioned, it can be deduced vehemently that a tray of empty cans will only amounts to putting square pegs in round holes in the scheme of things as leaders are pace setters and not disillusioned entities whose candor to leadership are based on personal avarice and unnecessary profligacy#RoadToChange..............


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