The right of every child remains the core values of standard morals in any nation and as such, it should not be treated with mere levity as they deserve more than meet the eye. However, it is sadistic and very pathetic to note that most nation around the globe most especially 'third worlds' as the case may be neglects this very standard as it relates 'The absolute protection and right of the child'.hmm! very sad indeed. These unholy trend according to researchers is caused by serious gross neglect by the government nd leaders of these nation whose modus operandi towards governance was never geared in towards the positive welfare of its people but rather principled in satisfying their treacherous whims and caprices. Oh Africans! This is never right. Also, there is no gain saying that nations whom have suffered series of wars are also guilty of this gross negligence to the right of every child as certain government derived unnecessary pleasures out of a disadvantaged situation in recruiting child soldiers to perpetuate evil and barbarism. Such attempts is not only atrocious to the society but also injurious to the psyche that child. Hmm! 'we have a long way to go'. Consequently, it can be deduce from studies that war torn nation most especially third world remain a serious offender to this act as they remain the worst culprit of child abuse, molestation, child traffickers and sex slavery. Conclusively, it is on the threshold that we call on every well meaning patriots to stand up firm against this satanic minders and their destructive ploy to relegate the right of the African child to the gallows#SayNoToChildSlavery........ THEIR RIGHT remains OUR PRIDE


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