Kidnapped Journalist Released

Lagos: Ace senior Nigerian journalist who was whisked away from her home and held captive by her abductors  has been released from the kidnappers den according to her Newspaper and police report on Saturday.
According to the vanguard newspaper who stated clearly in her website that Donu Kogbara, who was kidnapped on August 30, was no longer in the hands of her captors though no further details was given.
police spokesperson in charge of the southern Rivers state, Ahmed Mohammed said "Donu Kogbara has regained her freedom".
"She was released some minutes after two [Saturday morning]. She is fine. I was with her in her house in Port Harcourt until seven this morning.
"The investigation is still ongoing on the motives for her abduction but we would not want to go into details at this stage."
Unknown gunmen abducted Kogbara, who has written a column for the Vanguard daily for 30 years and also worked for British newspapers the Daily Mail and Sunday Times plus broadcasters the BBC and Channel 4.
Though the circumstances surrounding her abduction is however not clear to the general public even though in recent times her columns has expressed very strong and strident opinion on politics and social issues. 
According to the Committee for the Protection of Journalists who hinted a week earlier that she had previously called for employees of former GEJ led administration  to be "rounded up, one by one, and arrested, named, blamed, shamed and jailed".
No doubt, Port Harcourt being the capital of Rivers state is not only seen as the mainstream of the oil Rich Niger delta region but also perceived by majority as a very stronghold for Jonathan who hails from the neighbouring Bayelsa state.
Kidnapping for ransom is thus common  in the region and  past events and similar occurrence has even seen family members of serving government officials seized. 
Though some are allowed to go unharmed once the price tag is paid while others are made to suffer untold hardship for days, weeks and even months before they are eventually given their freedom.


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