Election bloodbath- Is this really necessary

In civilised climes where the tenets of democracy is held to the high heavens, elections are meant to be peaceful, not violent, it is meant to be free, fair and credible devoid of fraudulent malpractices and sharp practices as the case maybe. However, there is absolutely no doubt that in certain democracy, electioneering skirmishes are most likely very unavoidable either because of its process or due to its democratic naivety as the facts suggest. Subsequently, even in the face of these seemingly lacuna and pitfalls, the question still remains thus; Election bloodbath- Is it really necessary?

Permit me heresy to imprint this fine lines of martin luther king jnr when he wrote thus; " if we succumb to the temptation of using violence in the struggle, unborn generation will be the recipient of a long and desolate night of bitterness, and our chief legacy to the future will be an endless reign of meaningless chaos".

Obviously, the aforementioned statement is not only crystal clear to the blind but unambiguously very audible to the deaf in clear terms where all sane men should pitch their tents when this gory temptation comes knocking like a. time bomb waiting to explode. Hmm! Election bloodbath! Who gains from this insanity?.

Truth be told, this calls to question the sanity of our youth, their moral strength, up rightness and thinking faculties. It is no news that the political class has always taken help from this sector of persons, in perpetuating  their unholy whims and caprices. The youths have been so used from time immemorial to the extent that they have become stooges in the hands of political gladiators who derives pleasures in creating mayhem just for their personal gain and avarice. This trend has continued ad infinitum that the peaceful coexistence of a state seems so threatened anytime elections calls. Violence becomes a means to an end as the safety of lives and property is ruined with the machinery of the state.

Now, the grouse of this whole idea is not the fact that they(politician) incite this violence but the pain remains the sole fact that they engages individual against the state, kill innocent people, embark on wanton destruction of lives and properties, while their kids stays in very convenient island, enjoys goodlife, drive porche cars and attend the best schools abroad with same money derived from the state, yet this king nebukarnezars (political class) uses the youth who ardinarily should enjoy same benefits to perpetuate their evil cause. Oh mother! What an irony

One thing is clear, the political class are never satisfied with the outcomes of elections, whether it free, fair and credible, they are always on the negative dissent side of the coin wanting to manifest violence, incite crimes and cause unnecessary tension intestate. This evil individuals  don't use the services of their families when it comes to executing their barbarism, either they resort to employing the services of the teeming youths who obviously never learns from the past.

Election bloodbath becomes a resultant effect as aggrieved factions perpetuate serious crimes against the state, engages themselves in shootout which apparently lands on the feet of the innocent. Destroys properties which are built by taxpayers money, reck untold havoc to the moral pristine of the society.

No doubt, the youth are always available to peanuts, pocket change and chicken fee in exchange for their lives whenever they are so called upon to wrongfully perpetuate these crimes and incite violence among themselves. They fail to reason along this path as to ask where are the sons and daughters of this evil politicians who uses them as stooges for their personal gains. They fail to ask why are this politician not involved in this violent struggle they so believe in. They fail to ask why will anybody wants another to kill for him. They fail to ask if this individual truly cares for his people, why then is he creating an unstable condition for thesame persons he wishes to govern. Hmm! Our youths have lost focus indeed!

Election bloodbath in whatever capacity is a reprehensible crime against the state of any nation and as such should be discouraged in our political circle. There is absolutely no doubt that individuals may sometimes be aggrieved by the outcome of an election, but then, it  Is even more civil  like to either play the sportsmanship role or use the most appropriate channel to fighting such cause as the case maybe. However, it is also pertinent for the electorate to know the thin between moral decay and societal norms. Hence, when the latter is disregarded, the former becomes a bad toast for taste.

The youths must understand that the future can only be bright if only they will stay decent and act responsible in whatever capacity. That their destiny lies on their palms and not on the door post of any political minders who uses them silly and dump them wickedly. They need to understand the fact that it is an act of absolutely bravery to stay hungry today for a better tomorrow rather than receive peanuts today and stay hungry for the rest of their lives. This politician are monstrous, barbaric, deadly, deceitful, cunning, cynical and perhaps the worst forms of sociopath that have ever live. If they must incite violence, then, their sons, daughters and entire family members should be used to perpetuate this crimes and fight their ignoble cause as they cannot afford to send their kids to the best schools around the globe,while they use others for their mephistophelean crimes against humanity. #SayNoToElectionBloodbath


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