Ese Oruru: A tale of societal ills

The Ese story no doubt will forever remain one epic tale that retrospect several historical analysis of having a morally bankrupt society where everything goes irrespective of its implication to ethical values and belief.

A constant reminder of a drowning society running at a colossal loss, begging to be revitalise from its present state of been chained into the cesspit of gross miscalculation and moral irresponsibility.

Crimes are committed, acts are predicated on motives while actions are resultant effect from such predications which obviously arises from the thinking cap of the perpetrators of such crimes. While some actions may be positive, other crimes could as well spell doom not only to the society but also protends danger to posterity.

Some may hide under the cover of religion, others may stick to instinctive reactions while some more prefers precedence. Be that as it may, whether instincts, precedence or religion, any act committed which goes contrary to commonsense should not be tolerated in any upright society where morals and laws are given due supremacy over all  considerations.

In climes where the justice system is been followed to letter, actions been committed against the state are rarely pardonable as nobody is perceived as sacred cows when the laws are unequivocally stated in green and white for all to see so glaringly.

Sadly, when we consider a outright case of a morally bankrupt society where everything goes, laws are not only disregarded in extremism, but the right of man is also been battered on a daily basis with little or no regard for ethical morals and cultural values.

The clear case of Ese Oruru, the 13 year old teenager who was forcefully whisked away from her home state (Bayelsa) southern Nigeria by one crazy fellow (Yinusa) under the delinquent pretence of love, religion and marriage explains clearly why moral bankruptcy contaminates societal values in full fledge.

Clearly, Ese was 13 as at time of abduction sometime in August 2015 and cannot be certain to have given consent to this act of monstrous terror by a  devilish descendant . If that is understood, how come the said act became a success if not that she was mentally tinkered and forcefully kidnapped against her own will. *societal ills indeed*

Secondly, how can a 13years old teen know more love as to be thinking of a possible elopement with a man she barely understands his person not to talk about having a relationship that leads marriage at that tender age of hers.

Now, if that remains a fact, what kind of religion in this world that prescribes either a forceful marriage devoid of personal consent or not needing parental blessings or admittance. Though, I am yet to see, but prove me wrong if such evil is practiced in your religion.

Ese was not only kidnapped but was taken forcefully for not only marriage but for an onward conversion to a different faith alien to that she was born to know. Now, the question remains thus "was Yinusa who kidnapped  Ese from Bayelsa down to kano state working alone? Rhetoric as the question may seems, the answer remains obvious even to a reprieved mind.

However, what makes the case so strikingly pathetic remains the sole fact that Ese was taken for six months and yet nothing became possible to securing her release not until it became an issue available to the public domain who now took the bull by the horn to seeing that her release was made immenent. The question again thus arises; what was our security agencies doing long before it became a national emergency seeking gross embarrassment to our laws on child protection and citizen's safety?

No doubt, the parent of Ese has suffered untold hardship ever since this sad debacle took them by storm. Now, was it because they where not highly placed and influential to make the law move as it is been done in a bastardize society?  how come it took six months for them to get there daughter released even when they have formally made the right move and necessary steps?

Hmm! This are pertinent questions still begging for answers as we await justice to be done to all those who made the life of young Ese and that of her parent a living hell.

Justice delayed could be justice denied. But then, patient remains the only virtues for those who barely have the sole strength to make the clock of the law moves faster to a just time. #Justice4Ese


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