The place of the girl child in the society

A society who looses the very essence of the girl child no doubt is heading for the rocks. Their place just like the role of family in the building of a society plays a tremendous role in the overall objective of both the micro and macro setup.

In civilised climes, where the moral and inalienable rights of every individual is treated as been sacrosanct, it is an absolutism that gender balance remains a top most priority irrespective of status, strata, colour, race or creed.

Permit me heresy to  savour a quick indicator  which high lightens the awesome peculiarity of the girl child  " A girl is a whole by all means, not a toy by every means, underneath her air and inner make-up is emblazon with a sign that reads -Handle with care.

If truth be told, several  societal norms and outdated culture has not only relegated the girl child to the background, but has also help in the fast erosion of her core values.

It's such a distasteful irony that the society as it were now sees the girl child as just merely a pun toy needed only when the it is desired. Some even see them as inconsequential as the notion remains that they add little or nothing to societal developmental chain structure .

The shame of the society continues so extremely that the girl child suffers her own human indignity been foisted on her by the society. She is constantly abused by those who ordinarily should have given her care and protection, she endures defilement in the face of pain and anguish as nobody seems to care about her cry, she suffers stigmatisation and victimisation as a result of her defilement by same society who now considers them "outcast" .

Educationally, they are given less attention compare to their gender opposite who enjoys full pledge backing from the same society who so neglects the former while the later is guided to the height of mount Olympia.

Nobody cares to know the brain behind the successes of the family that inadvertently makes  a nation , nobody seems to care about the master planner behind every successful accomplishment, nobody seems to bother about the goose that lays the golden eggs, nobody seems concerned about the base rock that keeps the others afloat, but alas, every body wants to identify with success without celebrating sole source of such success. Hmm! How unfriendly we have been to the girl child.

Traditions and cultures are never static, men was never made for the law, deities are appeased if the case becomes worst for the  oracle  to be refined. This to a larger extent becomes demystifying to those who sometimes hide under the unholy platform of either religion, culture, traditions or whatsoever to commit their atrocious and very monstrous  act against the girl child.

No form of excuses whatsoever, by any format should be considered  as a leverage for anybody to either abuse or dehumanise  the girl child whose place in the society is not only revered and very sacrosanct but also believed to be pristine.

The place of the girl child in any society, be it  civilised or growing can never be over emphasised as her role defines not only a morally upright society but also builds a nation.

The hands that rocks the cradle, the pro creator,  the mother of tomorrow, a woman shapes the destiny of civilisation. Such is the tragic irony of fate, that a beautiful creation such as the girl child has become the gravest concern facing humanity.  #StandUpForTheGirlChild


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