Trump, Sanders wins Indiana as Cruz bows out

As Americans gradually decides who becomes the next occupier of the capitol hill buildings, the tension seems to be getting towards the knife edge by the day as every seconds counts for both the republicans and democrats. No doubt, all candidates pride themselves as the beautiful bride but the decision on who becomes the next president of the "free world" lies solely on the ballot cast by the American people. From black Americans to Latinos down to the whites blood cells, all have a role to play in the selection process of who eventually gets the nod to becoming the next person who gives directives right away from the white house.

For the Republicans, it started from his sweet victory in New York where  he defeated both Ted Cruz and John Kasich in what seems to be a very easy ride for the Billionaire cum politician. Though Sen. Ted Cruz didn't threw in the towel at that defeat in the empire state, but he remained focus preaching most fervently to his supporters to stay strong and believe in his dream for the American people. Ted became an adherent of the "Indiana  primaries" assuring his campaign trailers that he remains the only candidate to stand headlong with Real Donald Trump as they prepare for the primaries in Indiana. Similarly, John Kasich couldn't see beyond his Ohio victory as he still believes he can push himself all through to the convention despite lagging behind both Ted and Trump.

Donald Trump who looks more sterner to picking the party nomination ticket for the Nov 4 General elections didn't stop been arrogant as he continues to lash out on both Ted and Kasich who he refers to as "spoilers" who have nothing to loose owing to the fact that they have been labelled as "failures" according to the Trump campaign train.  For Trump, the issue is far greater than the convention which he believes wont be necessary if he eventually wins the Indiana Primaries as that will get him more closer to reaching the magic number of 1,234 set as standard by the party to picking the nomination ticket as the face of the Republican who eventually represents the party in the General elections. However, for Ted and Kasich, it was all about stretching the primaries down to the convention where picking the nomination tickets was based on party delegates selection. Hence, the shocking team alliance between Ted and Kasich so as to stretch the campaign into a conventional arrangements where Trump seems to have a lesser chance of been the face of choice at the caucus level.

The Democrats couldn't have had it more better with Hilary Clinton been the most favored candidates to getting the party ticket. Her closest rival Bernie Sanders seems to be struggling with both getting the super delegates supports and also getting the votes in majority of the tightly contested primaries between himself and Hilary Clinton. Apart from his shocker victory in one of the " Super Tuesdays" where he clinch four out of the five contested states, Sanders have been one giveaway for the clintons who obviously seems to be no
match  for the Arizona born politician. With her victory in New York, Hilary Clinton seems set to sealing the coffin with a win in the "Indiana Primaries" not until yesterday when she felt "The Bern-Burn" hit her campaign train so narrowly leaving behind some injurious scare thus stretching the bus ride a little more further even though Bernie Sanders cant stop dreaming about his most talked conventional super delegates nomination.

The "Indiana Primaries win" has now changed the whole equation for both the Republicans and Democrats. For the Republicans, it has invariably sent Ted Cruz packing out of the race with his lost to Trump. Sen. Cruz who woefully lost the hot contested primaries yesterday could no longer hold forth his campaign dream as he had to suspend his campaign trail which means pulling out technically from the race. Sen. Cruz who only last week before the primaries picked Carly Fiona as her running mate couldn't stand the game any longer with just some 534 counts as against the now 1,004 counts of Donald Trump to reaching the magic number.

For the Democrats, with a shocker win from Bernie Sanders, Hilary Clinton will now have now to wait a little while longer as she remains optimistic of becoming the party's choice candidates who will officially face a now presumptive Donald Trump of the Republicans in the General elections.

The stakes seems to be high now as Americans now get a clearer picture of who becomes the sole representative of their various party, and who they will eventually give their vote according to fate and conscience. The race is on and the decision of who becomes the next president of the united states remains one puzzle even the Political Mann can answer....................Will it the Billionaire cum Celebrity Apprentice Super Star-Real Donald Trump? Or is American going to have the first  female president of all time occupying the white house? ................Hmm! Only time and space will tell as American decides comes November 2016.




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