Bernie Sanders officially endorses Clinton at the DNC

Following Mrs. Obama rendition and calculated endorsement of the Hillary Clinton in becoming the next president of united states, the Vermont born senator Sanders also spoke intelligently as he endorses Mrs. Clinton not only as the sole flag bearer of the Democratic party in the November poll election, but also as the next person fit enough to become president of the united states. 

The Vermont born senator who took to the podium at the Fargo Wells arena, showered encomiums on Mrs. Clinton amid controversy of an email scandal prior to the democratic convention. 
"Any objective observer will conclude that -- based on her ideas and her leadership -- Hillary Clinton must become the next president of the United States," Sanders told delegates, spurring a cascade of cheers.
After a hard fought primary, he left no doubt about his position on the cusp of the general election.
Image result for Bernie sandersSanders whose official endorsement of Mrs. Clinton was greeted with joy though tears among his die hard supporters explained that  the time has come for all to rally around Hillary Clinton in making American a better place for all to live in and enjoy the love and harmony they once shared among themselves as citizens. 
"If you don't believe this election is important, if you think you can sit it out, take a moment to think about the Supreme Court justices that Donald Trump would nominate and what that would mean to civil liberties, equal rights and the future of our country," he said.
Senator Sanders who explained he felt the pain and emotions of all those who had supported him all through the start of the presidential race, stressed that it will be a wise decision if they all swallow their hate and dismay in accepting the outcome of the process, given the negative choices that now lies ahead in the hand of the opposition. 
We need leaders who bring us together and make us stronger, not leaders who insult Latinos, Muslims, women and blacks and divide us up.
Senator Sanders who said he was indeed proud to stand alongside Hillary Clinton, also appealed to all his supporters in doing same so as to avoid any break of chain in the process of making the American dream come true. 
This endorsement didn't go well with Donald Trump as he had believed Bernie Sanders would be that one person that will indeed cause a major uproar in the democratic convention process, given some pitfalls that the celebrity apprentice superstar thought Senators Sanders could have capitalized on in getting the convention delegates divided. That didn't happen as envisaged as the Vermont born US senator against all odds went on to endorse Mrs. Clinton at the Fargo Wells Center, Pennsylvanian, Philadelphia.   

It is no secret that Hillary Clinton and I disagree on a number of issues. That’s what this campaign and what democracy is about.


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