Barrack Obama takes a bow in style

 Barrack Obama takes a bow- pt 1  

In what looks like just yesterday when he first walked through the aisle of the capitol hill, crisps-crossing the hard-line between racial divisiveness and absolute Americanism, president Barrack Obama once again showed his charismatic candor as he bids farewell to Americans in his Chicago home town where he first nursed the absolute ambition to led the free world. Fired by passion, he sojourned this cause to a logical conclusion as he underwent the very hard process of been a leader from start to finish without hesitating on what lies ahead in the decision process when the bulks rest on his table been awaited both by congress and in some die cases, NSA and the other arms of intelligence.

This decision articulation was clearly evidenced in Mr. president quick call during an historic all time operation that saw the American seal gun down the world most dreaded terrorist in a K.I.A fashion that knows no bound. That was the mathematical leptokoric that skewed his administration thanksgiving to a record high even in the midst of critique and worst foes. The call was so sudden but quick in delivery when at the situation room he received the message of his lifetime templating the success onslaught that silenced the super star terrorist behind the 9/11 attacks.Hmm! What a feat Mr. president.        

Well, it soon came to pass as that he managed to sky high the first four term as Mr. President, beating expectations as to the meaning of what that indicates to adherents, even though others wanted more from a man who rode to power on the maiden platform of "Yes WE Can". Surely but nicely, he stylishly won the hearts of Americans once again as he dazzled into the second term in high hopes, already panting in new manifesto while trying to align self with those he couldn't savor during his first seat at the white house.

Just like a true Harvard housing the American invincible college, Obama kept faith, resilient and courage as he swiftly held down the challenges together with yet another Harvard cum Princeton super lady Michelle Obama who help steer the murky waters to a calm when the steam rose to an heat capacity beyond gauge. The duo along side the master tactician cum Vice. president Uncle Jo. Biden took to the mountain top as they seek the face of that which laid the cornerstone of a true United States.               

The game began nicely as he started on a cements coated note, penning several administrative policy while rocking the hard congress to green-light some others. All in all, he soared well as the commander-in-chief when the Affordable health care plan hit the ground running just like a fighter Mi2 in space targeting a mission in an enemy territory with full nozzle propellants filled to brim. Hmm! What a target!

Mr. president who just didn't rest on his oars took again to his heels as he ran the 4x400m hurdle with congress in several policy decision when it matters most. In the Mr. president we all know, he stylishly won some major cases even with rival Republican congressmen who now took his sides in the passage of quick bills awaiting either his blue, red and other pen.

However, it soon came to pass, as he climaxes one of his campaign manifesto favoring the LGBT community when the US supreme council in a hard tussle chose to legalize the LGBT movement. This was the story round for the others who felt maligned and grossly alienated from Mr. president first four term. Hmm! the celebrity just began his near success story.

Just when critics felt he had stopped the success dance, Obama took the club by storm fitting his Michael Jackson shoes, as he took employment level to a record high, dwindling the unemployment radar in an historic templates. Well, that wasn't just all, he broke several animosity between the US government and other nation, as he closed that rank of political barrier, thereby opening an ocean ties of diplomatic friendliness. This was evidenced in both Cuba and the recent pearl harbor diplomacy with the Japanese nation. Oh Barrack! "Yes he did".

Though, there were few lapses in an administration which encountered several racial divisive hate crimes and rhetoric, its general pass was regarded as way pass merit.

From the San Bernadino terrorist operation down to Charlestons church shooting, from the gay nightclub shooting in Florida down to police shootings in both Minnesota, Chicago, and some other states targeting blacks, the ride away from the oval office hasn't been all that rosy from a president who did his best in closing the bridge between racial bias and love.

As he bows out in mixed feelings, there seems to be just one and only one regrets which Barrack Obama would had wished had happened in his time and era as Mr.president. That was one wish he had hope would be the greatest climax of his presidency as the 44th US president cum the 1st African American to become president. That wish eventually got thwarted at the 11:30th hour when the table for history have been set in motion already. The wish though positive, but failed to see the light of day as former secretary of states, congresswoman, first lady, lawyer, mother, women's advocate and pantsuit aficionado, Hillary Clinton failed to break the glass ceiling as the first female US president of all time.

Mrs. Clinton took a bow to Donald Trump who now stand as the 45th president- elect of the United States. OH BARRACK OBAMA! what a regret as he takes this bow of nostalgia!

Written: Dickson Eyinmosan
Editorial: Sprint24online                             



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