Trump derides report on Russian Hack

Following the US presidential election  hacking saga that has continually pointed her fore accusing fingers to the Russian government in her complicity, president-elect Donald Trump have refused to believe the case despite the report by the US intelligent agency which stated unequivocally the grand conspiracy of Russian hackers in the manipulation of the US cyber system during the 2016 November general election. Before the election, when 17 US intelligence agencies issued a public statement concluding that Russia orchestrated the hack of the Democratic National Committee, Trump immediately cast doubt on those conclusions, arguing it was impossible to distinguish between a Russian government operative and "somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds."

President elect Donald Trump who took voraciously to his most loved channel of communication dissemination went hard on the intelligence agency report, calling it unfathomable while casting doubt about their gathering of facts and intelligence base.

The "Intelligence" briefing on so-called "Russian hacking" was delayed until Friday, perhaps more time needed to build a case. Very strange!
While it is quite strange that the 45th president of the United States will be questioning the decision of an agency he will be relying solely on as commander in chief for their intelligence inputs, it becomes very seemingly clear Mr. Trump statement during the campaign when he said" He knows more than the Generals do". Well, that may just be the crippling effect here as president-elect Trump takes sides with Wikileaks director Julian  Assange who said anybody could have been involved in this process of hacking.
Trump tweeted Wednesday, "Julian Assange said 'a 14 year old could have hacked Podesta' - why was DNC so careless? Also said Russians did not give him the info!"    
 It will be recal that the Russians have been accused of infiltrating the democratic national convention server emails where it leaked several classified documents about top ranked party members including that of the campaign director of Hillary Clinton's John Podesta whose server was hacked prior to the general elections.
The "Intelligence" briefing on so-called "Russian hacking" was delayed until Friday, perhaps more time needed to build a case. Very strange!

Trump said last week that he would receive an intelligence briefing on the Russian breaches this week and suggested it would come early on, telling reporters on New Year's Eve that they would know more about the subject "Tuesday or Wednesday."
But US intelligence officials disputed Trump's tweet alleging a delay.
Top US intelligence officials have been scheduled to brief Trump on the full report on Russian hacking President Barack Obama ordered once it was completed, but the meeting was not set to take place until later in the week, according to US officials.
After president Obama's clamped down punishment on the Russian government for their notorious role played during the presidential election, Trump took to his Twitter handle as he showers praises on the Russian leaders for his show of an unprecedented leadership charisma not to retaliate the sanction been melted on them by the Obama administration.

"Our country should move on to bigger and better things"  he said. "I have always known Putin to be very smart" he ended.

Former CIA director James Woolsey, an adviser to Trump on national security issues, told CNN's Jim Sciutto that determining who was behind the hacks is difficult, but that he believes the Russians -- and possibly others -- were involved.
"I think the Russians were in there, but it doesn't mean other people weren't, too," he said. "It's often not foolproof to say who it is because it is possible and sometimes easy to hide your tracks. There's lots of tricks."


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