The Trump Card

Permit me to posit thus- "A leopard is not known to change his shell". This has been the Donald Trump we all know right from the Manhattan towers in New York down to his days at NBC. The American super billionaire and mastermind of the much rated celebrity apprentice show have never been known to be diplomatic either in words or character, neither have he been a known face in the political space as it were given his antecedents as a super CEO whose job basically is either "hiring" or "firing". Well, this was basically the Trump known in the business world prior to his interest in politics and subsequently before accelerating swiftly to becoming the presidential nominee cum flag-bearer of the Republican party to the amazement of all who knew absolutely the Donald Trump of NBC.
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The story have been a deluded quest both for onlookers and keen watchers as the US presidential election gravitated into an opium away from popular demand when shockingly Donald Trump took the surprise baton as he won the presidential election as the 45th president of the United States in sharp contrast to what many had predicted prior to the 8th of Nov. 2016 when the glass ceiling failed to burg.

Well, that was the beginning of an ultimate cycle as the Trump card came into the full glare to the recognition of every American who though didn't want him by popularity contest but then had to take the chill pill of an electoral college victory which many couldn't have anticipated given the hate and bigotry statements that characterized his campaign ab initio. The Trump policy soon began in style with the executive order adventure as he took "executive orders" signature to the next level. Firstly, it was a ban on citizens from seven Muslim nation from entering the United States which by virtue of implication affects those currently living in the U.S from those nations. Just when Americans thought that was it, president Trump took to the order table stopping the U.S-Syrian refugee program which prior to now had accommodated vulnerable from this war torn nation. For the records, America had been a model in setting the pace positively as it had encouraged more influx of migrants most especially in terms of accommodation and security.

This basically which didn't go well with the American system took a noose dive as both republicans and democrats gave cold shoulders to this idea. Firstly, it led to the sack of a U.S attorney who couldn't watch the system bashed by a president who had refused the call of reasoning. It soon went to the court for adjudication as a U.S district court attorney placed a temporarily hold on such barbarism as it were. Well, just like the Donald of character,he not just disregarded the justice system but also referred to the district judge as "so called" thus his conclusion  "SEE YOU IN COURT". The synergy had never been great as the U.S 9th circuits court of Appeal also towed same path, aligning self with the decision of the former in a unanimous 3-0 victory against the Trump led justice departments who had earlier boasted of a sail victory. 

The oval office have been fraught with several scandals in recent times as the Trump administration continues to plead guilty in the face of reality check. The story of the Russian infiltration and obvious meddling in the election that brought him to power have continued to ring a serious bell not just among top intelligence agencies both among congress who think a deal with Russia whatsoever had never been a good call. With Trump senior aide Kellyann Conway playing the card of nepotism and favoritism, Ivanka and Steve Bannon have continued to shield the transparent glasses from obvious sight. President Trump who obviously knows more than the Generals have continued to bash every report of classification as "Ingenue and Worthless" given more credence to the Kremlin in Moscow over the NSA reportage in Washington. This has been the tension in an administration that had erroneously promised to"Make America Great Again"even in the face of an already great mechanism which now lies in absolute jeopardy as president Trump introduces his version of Greatness. 

His major flip-flops on issue have continued to baffled not just republicans but also democrats who now watch in serious amazement hoping somebody somewhere from the extra ordinary gives a better understanding to president Trump on the ethics and tenets of governance before its too late.    

 The United States have never had it this bad not just in Washington but also around the west wing location of the capitol building given the records of past presidents and their decision analysis. Well, the buck still continued in negative lightening as Mr. Trump haven failed to secure a win at the 9th circuit court of Appeal still continue to wield the big stick of irrationality in vetoing some other executive order in a refreshed package soon. From all indication, the Trump card is yet to play well enough as he seems more like to change the dynamics of that card which brought him shockingly to power as president of the United States.      

Written: Dickson Eyinmosan Jnr




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