Trump aggressive deportation order

No doubt, the 45th president of the United States seems to be coasting on a very high cruise as he continues his strident populist policy in effecting what he calls  "America First". Trump who rode to power on a platform shockingly alien to the system took to the ballot in same pattern as he defies all odds to becoming the 45th president of the United States despite his campaign rhetoric and policy statement which contradicts both ethical governance and cultural American politics. The campaign which filters hate and bigotry took the system to a different level as it cut across issue like immigration, race, alliance and absolute segregation.
Image result for trump picture
This were just few of Donald Trump rhetoric among the rest of several others said on a daily basis as he pushed harder with his populist idea that eventually and shockingly became a reality though not through a popularity context but that of an electoral college voice as the case maybe. The Trump song soon became a reality when on Jan.20 it became apparent too well to all doubting Thomas's that Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States as Barrack Obama seemingly kissed goodbye to the west wing office.

The Trump administration which began with ceaseless executive order made the United States for once recognize the power of a billionaire CEO who ordinarily is use to making sole judgement irrespective of what anybody thinks, given his antecedents as a figure head at the Trump conglomerate. Well, the administration which barely kick started scandal free took a quick swipe at the nation immigration laws as he quickly injected a blanket ban on core seven Muslim countries under the guise of what he describe as "extreme vetting". This authority which failed to see the light of day saw the U.S 9th circuits court of appeal annulling such policy in a unanimous 3-0 victory to the dismay of the Trump led justice departments who had ordinarily desired the obvious.

Well, just like the tale of deluded cat, president Trump alongside senior white house officials took again their strategy to the next level still on immigration policy as they recently had given the green light  to both immigration officers alongside local police in executing what they described as "extreme vetting" and border control in trying to effect a serious immigration change which contradicts existing norms, ethics and code. 

According to a released document by Department of Homeland Security , it clearly explains the broad scope of what president Trump expects from law enforcement agencyin trying to clamp down in an aggressive way the strict applications of this new planned immigration laws under what the white house described as extreme vetting.  This new policy as orchestrated by the Trump administration on immigration, unleashes the full force of the federal government to find, arrest and deport those in the country illegally, regardless of whether they have committed serious crimes or not.  

The aggressive order on immigration which now creates fear among immigrants most especially those who came through as war refugees, pays little or no attention even to those with green card as the enforcement takes effect with great punitive measures on non-compliance regardless of whether an individual commits crime or not. The administration who have planned to recruits more border patrol personnel and builds detention centers for those to be arrested viewed this new move as keeping away insecurity from the land. Though, no one knows why president Trump has prioritized immigration as a front line burner policy arrangement, but one for sure, knows what is campaign was all about that basically defines the man "Donald Trump". 

If really this is the true definition of how to make a nation great, then Americans must admit their wrong during the ballot on Nov. 8 2016 when Mrs. Clinton lost painfully to Trump via the electoral college counts. This no doubt contradicts what the American dream stands for as Donald Trump takes politics to a level below the berth of reasoning and logical thinking cum practice.  

For the records, president Trump defies moral justice in embarking on such an aggressive mass deportation on immigrants when he himself is son to an immigrant grand parents from Germany. Indeed, the New York billionaire has shown what ignorance in politics meant glaringly to governance as been president of the most powerful seat in the world remains a sharp contrast from been a successful CEO who though circumvented tax laws to his favour.                  

Written: Dickson Eyinmosan



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