FBI, NSA counters Trump wire tap claims

Following his supposed wire-tap claim induced against former president Obama, the bubble which has been boiling lately most especially around personnel at the west wing of the white house, soon got a coolant effects of "No Evidence or Non-Compliance" as the hunter became the obvious hunted when the stakes went highest.

He may have received Angela Merkel, but not James Comey of the FBI as the latter shocked him with his undiluted testimony that saw the very inquisitive congress yearning for more.      

Barely eighteen days now since his spurious wire-tap claim swept major headlines as both print and digital media went on the frenzy in search of hardcore evidence which prove president Trump claims that former president Obama had wire-tapped him during the 2016 campaign. The president who sold out this story on a solo track made it even clearer and more intriguing when he stated convincingly that former president O. personally ordered his Manhattan home (Trump Towers) wired in a bid to favour fellow democrats Hillary Clinton who was onboard same train as presidential candidate alongside Donald Trump.

In his usual means of communication, president Trump serially went on twitter tirade on March 4th, as he labelled his predecessor the "bad guy" who could go so low as to wire tap his campaign. Though, president Trump never provided any serious evidence detailing such allegation, but as usual, he stuck to his guts despite various discountenances from several security agency stating the very obvious that no such thing ever happen.

From Republicans to Democrats, from the NSA to the FBI, Donald Trump was never given a pinch of support as all indicated that such allegation is not just spurious but also a very ridiculous fact. Infact, both democrats and many top political observer cum analyst where of the opinion that president Trump is seriously on a calculative journey to changing the narrative away from his supposed ties with the Russians, who majority now think as an "influence" in the recent past presidential election.

Appearing before a congressional panel Monday, James Comey confirmed for the very first time that the bureau is investigating possible ties between Donald Trump presidential campaign and Russia as Moscow sought to influence the 2016 election. The FBI director also publicly disagree with president Trump claim that former president Obama wire tapped him in any form.

"With respect to the president tweets about alleged wire tapping directed at him by prior administration, i have no information supporting those tweets" he fired.

Comey who vehemently refuted the president wire tap claim also held his ground that Vladimir Putin not just hated Hillary Clinton but also wanted Donald Trump to win at the polls.

Both James Comey and Admiral Mike Rogers of the NSA whose appearance before the intelligence committee of the house of representative took real time hours, stated clearly that their investigation on the supposed and alleged ties of the Trump campaign with Moscow during the November elections could last for six months as they sought out more investigative measures.

This is absolutely not the fourth time nor the fifth Donald Trump must have derailed Americans on serious issues, but this obviously, remains a very serious felony against a one time first citizen of the United States who in his capacity served as the first African - American president in the annals of the U.S. political landscape..

Representative Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the intelligence committee, detailed activities by Trump associates with ties to Russia, including former campaign manager Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn, who was forced out as Trump's national security adviser after talking to the Russian ambassador and then misrepresenting the conversation to Vice President Mike Pence."Is it possible that all of these events and reports are completely unrelated and nothing more than an entirely unhappy coincidence? Yes, it is possible," Schiff said. "But it is also possible, maybe more than possible, that they are not coincidental, not disconnected and not unrelated."

Trump who is still in his first 100 days in office since after his inauguration on the 20th of Jan. has continued to steer the white house both in scandals and slanders as all seems not to be too well with the former celebrity apprentice super star turned politician who barely have served before in any elective or appointive positions.

From his supposed failed executive order to his supposed conflict of interest, down to his possible ties with the Kremlin, Donald Trump is currently under the needle eye of the American people as they watch him "Make America Great Again" in his current form of political misgivings and flip flopping. 

Written: Dickson Eyinmosan 


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