The Politics Of Ignorance

The theoretical assertions that gives credence to the fallible tendencies of mankind makes man not only an entity but also a statue of hope nd a symbol of rationality. Consequently, as time evolves within its ambits of circular motion, this long time judgement of oblonged fact begins to erode away as a result of our poor analysis about the strident philosophies in life. Hmm! *ignorance is never fair*. Apparently and very axiomatic, just like the boy on the swing, we started slowly in the course to self destruction nd eventually attain the peak of our inferno in all ramifications. This unholy diversionary trend from the truth led to varieties of negative pallets that affected not only our psyche of mental reasoning but also the once positive socio-economic nd political dynasty. Oh! *what a black change*. This barbaric change as it were, metamorphosed nd eventually conceived the 'New infallible Man' with its morphological nd physiological recipe of pride, hate, scornful, evil, extreme, dastard nd cunning. Well, without sounding equivocal nd for the avoidance of ambiguities, the New world order ensued in all facets our dealings as mans inhumanity to man became a signatory for strength in the struggle for survival and the quest for power. *sigh* (To whom shall it benefit)? Just like a clockwise wave, the human eye became pin hole cameras as events unfolds in various strata of our existence. From Religion to Politics, from Socialism to economy, from Leadership to ruler-ship, the once gloomy scenes became opaque with uncertainties as nobody knows the next victim. In the quest for power, they feign ignorance to the sufferings of their people, they enjoys the lust for money to the detriment of the economy, thy bask in the euphoria of their whims nd caprices when it comes to good governance nd policy implementation as they mirror themselves as super beings nd immortals. Oh man! Why av you forsaken the lots when the ships are down!*i cried aloud as hot tears cascade my retina*. Any ways, such is life they say as they will continue to practice the 'ignorance of politics' until we find a true messiah who will not only correct this inherent and distasteful abnormalities in our wrongly placed New world order but will also restore back the Renaissance glory of our hopes and true Dreams#PoliticsOfIgnorance


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