The Irony Of Governance
Irony is most often defined as a contrast between expectations and realities in a circumstances. Throughout history, there have been many examples of ironies in a variety of very dissimilar spectra ranging from politics, government, culture and media. Historical irony is most often recognise well after an original statement or occurrence since it often takes current perspectives to shed a greater light on a previous issue, statements or situations.
Princeton university- a renowned institute for advanced studies have revealed that the middle class known to french theorist as' Petit bourgeoisie' failed in over 98percent of measured cases to notice the inherent irony in their lives. Though their very existence are riddled with the exact opposite of intended meanings that define irony as we know it. Subsequently, an average capitalist sees nothing wrong in boarding a first class cabin even when land transportation is in perfect health as he sees such ostentious lifestyle as part of the economic analysis. Aristocrats cum political class world wide though seemingly the same when we consider the economic scale but sometimes dissimilar in their sense of rationality as it regards wealth distribution in all spheres of its dynasty-few though, most especially in developed world. To some, the concept of wealth creation and distribution should remain encased in the circular flow chains to the satisfaction nd comfort of the majority, buh alas, to others, most especially in this part of the world- 'The African case' (A spectacle on the Nigeria context), the story changes drastically as the reverse becomes the breaking point unarguably among the Aristocrats cum political class who sees absolutely no wrong in the administration of injustice and total disdain to the same people(citizens) who aided their eventual success. To them, tyranny is a form of civilisation that cannot be abhor even if it's application is detrimental to the socio-economic standards of its people, they really don't care provided their whims and caprices are achieved. *sigh* very sad indeed! Both the ideas and decision to governance are never based on people oriented policy but are trickled towards avarice nd greed, channelled towards embezzelments nd misdeeds. Hmm! Well, there is absolutely no gain saying that our political class has not only failed in all its ramifications but has also proven glaringly to be wolves in sheep clothings who claim to achorage democracy as a tenets and societal norms#TheHardTruth.........................when the wealth of a Nation is been channelled to some privilege few, then the peak of suffering explains the eventual irony of the political class#NoMoreLove
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