September 11-Americans mourns 14years after

                           EVENTS OCCURED IN REAL TIME
"Terrorists attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest building but they cannot touch the foundations of Americans, these act shatters our steel but they cannot dent the steel of America resolve"-(George W bush on the 9/11 attack on American soil)
Surprises are bound to happen, film tricks are sometimes real, movies are replicas of realities, Events are assumed elements of dreams but then on this day sept 11 2001 at about 9:5900hrs Americans where taken aback as not even a fortune teller could boast of seeing such an anhilation nor a sylvester stallion movie could have predicted such a monstrous act in any blockbuster. Hmm! Sad tale
Barely fifteen years have past now ever since Americans were taken aback in a well co-ordinated and meticulously planned attack by the dreaded Al Qeada group,an attack that has remained on of Americans greatest tragedy not only in their historical archive, but also in the annals of world templates.
An attack that saw both Americans and non Americans in grief, an attack that saw tears cascades the eyes of millions around the world, an attack that saw Americans mourned their loss for a very long time, an attack that saw the 'Great America' in pains and ruins, an attack brought the 'world super powers' to the four crawls at ground zero. Hmm! An attack that will continue to stare in Americans in amazement and absolute consternation.
Fourteen years has soared on, the scars may have gradually faded into thin air, the structures may have be rebuilt but then the memories still lingers in the heart and mind of Americans whom on that dreaded and fateful eve lost over hundreds of thousand of its patriotic Nationals who believed so passionately in the American dream.  
9/11 as it is officially called may have tested the faith and might of the America people, it may have revealed some security lapses, it may have exposed the American nation but then, one thing is certain and will forever remain undisputed, it was an attack that challenged the Americans to both scientific change and rapid technological advancement in all ramification. It was an attack that saw the Americans eclipsed to its present Zeneith and Nuclear peak.
Lesson: if fourteen years after such a great fall nd pains, the Americans can pick up the pieces nd put their acts in order, if after fourteen years of this senseless attack, the Americans can still hold their heads high in taking decision amid global issue nd still profer solutions, if after fourteen years, the Americans could make a collective resolve to make good from a bad situation then the word CHANGE is a reality in my Africa(Nigeria) , if after fourteen years, 
the Americans could defeat this global trecheary called terrorism head on in their soil then Africans (Nigeria as a spectacle)has no justisfiction for their very poor choices nd inept altitude of 'No Hope'.
As the world mourns the departure of these great men and women from the surface of mother earth, we take solace with the fact that their soul will now know perpetual peace as the kingpin involved in that senseless orgy and monstrous killings have eventually been brought to book and made to pay dearly for his sins 14years ago#SayNoTerrorism.
Dickson writes


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