The Arabian city of Mecca (or Makkah) enjoys a colorful history, and this foundational element of Islam is interesting to explore whether one is religious or not, since Mecca is the historical and geographical epicenter of the religion of Islam. All practicing Muslims, everywhere in the world, are obligated to prostrate themselves in prayer toward the Kaaba in Mecca five times a day. Additionally, every Muslim is further obliged to travel to Mecca and perform the Islamic ritual of the Hajj, at least once in their lifetime, because it is the "fifth pillar" of Islam.

The Hajj which seems to be an annual Pilgrimage to Mecca is a religious prescribed duty for Muslims around the world to be undertaken at least once in a lifetime as the case may be. Consequently, the number of times an individual performs such is basically on choice, decision and maybe sometimes Taste and Fashion but then, Islam as a religion has made it an affordable and very accommodating rites to be performed once.

The word Hajj denotes 'to intend on a journey' which further connotes both the outward realm of a journey and the inward acts of man's intentions. It is an absolute and resolute demonstration of the solidarity of the Muslim people which reiterate their total submission and will to the Almighty(Allah). Consequently, according to Islamic doctrine, those whose physical and financial state enables them to engage in this practice are termed 'istita'ah' while a Muslim who fulfills the above is called 'mustati'.

In the events of Hajj pilgrimage, the city of mecca knows no bounds, though a Muslim event, it not only play host to the cream di la creed of the Muslim world, but also switches it brightened atmosphere to tourists around the globe and to all  those who has taken keen of the Holy land.

The Hajj events which according to historical accounts and myths exemplify the life and times of  the Prophet Muhammed in the early 7th century but it's pilgrimage to Mecca dates back to the times of Abraham around 2000 BCE.

The Islamic doctrine explains how God directed Abraham to leave wife Hagar and son Ishmael in the desert ancient city Mecca. Accordingly, in desperate need for water due to the hot temperature and struggle for survival, Hagar left Ishmael in search for water but returned in despair after running the two Hills of Safa and Marwah. On returning, she noticed the baby's ingenuity when she observed that baby Ishmael was using his legs to scratch the ground underneath where he was laid. She became Marvel when a fountain of water sprang up underneath his foot. Well, Abraham was later directed by God to build Ka'aba which he did with the help of Ishmael as it was reported that the arch angel Gabriel brought black stone argued to have formed the cornerstone of the Ka'aba. In absolute fulfillment, he was also instructed to invite people to perform what is today known as pilgrimage in the Holy city of Mecca.

In 630 CE, historical facts indicates that the Holy Prophet Muhammed left Medina to Mecca with his followers and at that time, it was reported that the Prophet Muhammed cleanse the Ka'aba as it was said to have been surrounded by all sorts of pagan idols prior to their arrival. The Ka'aba was adequately cleansed by the Holy Prophet Muhammed and was subsequently reconsecrated to Allah. In 632 CE, Prophet Muhammed together a large retinue of his followers performed his only and last Pilgrimage and therefore instructed them on the rites of Hajj as it was from that moment that the word 'Hajj' came into existence in the Muslim lexicon and thus became one of the five pillars of Islam alongside Shahadah, Salat, Zakat and Swam.

During Hajj, it is observed that pilgrims join processions all over the world mostly of Muslim origin to converge in Mecca for the celebration of the Hajj week which usually follows the Islamic Calendar. The events which witnesses series of Islamic rites sees each person walks counter-clockwise seven times around the Ka'aba (the cube-shaped building and the direction of prayer for the Muslims), runs back and forth between the hills of Al-safa and Al-Marwah, drinks from the Zamzam Well, goes to the plains of Mount Arafat to stand in vigil, spends a night in the plain of Muzdalifa and performs the symbolic and famous stoning of the devil by throwing stones at the pillars.

Hmm! though, its an events acclaimed to be sacred, the events sometimes comes with its pains and gains as due to the large number of crowd, stampede and rush sometimes seems to be inevitable and thus natural laws and evolutionary facts becomes the order of the day for pilgrims as the case maybe. 

since 1990 when the Holy city witnessed the most deadliest Hajj stampede killing over 1,500 individuals. Stampede though has been has been a serious bane to this Holy events since then . In 2006, it happened again killing though few but then it was sad tell. The story though did not end there as it has again claim the lives of a over 717 individuals of different races and background with a reported case of about  at least 863 injured.

Conclusively, no doubt, the Hajj which is an Holy events remains one gateway for Muslims faithfuls around the world  to express their unflinching solidarity and absolute quest for Grace from the Almighty also play host to different races from all nationality who find credence in this sacrosanct religious practice as the case may be.

However, since its conception was not to kill but to save, since it birth was not to spoil but to repair, since it celebration is for joy and not for tears, since it symbolism denotes peace and and violence. Then, It is to this end i join hands together with all well meaning  leaders and individuals to call on the appropriate authourity to rise up to this seemingly urgent occasion in ensuring the safety of pilgrims who seeks the Holy land in whatever capacity.

Dickson writes -In Memory of all those victims who lost their lives in the September
24 2015 Hajj pilgrimage. 


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