The race for the white house

As the race for the white house gets highly competitive, candidates are becoming more antagonistic as some of their views repeals the opinion of the other in a bid to get the people's heart and becomes the beautiful pride endorsed by the American people for a stay at the white house.

While the atmosphere seems a little bit calm at the doorsteps of the Democrats, same cannot be argue for the Republicans who have continually made headlines in the wake of primaries and social debate contest.

With Front-line billionaire Republican candidates Donald trump taking the contest to a different scene of political drama, social entertainment filled with Political stunts tossing, the battle continues on a more epic front as all five Republicans fights to become the party's face for the General elections.

The GOP debate at the moores school of music in the university of Houston, Texas saw all five republicans sweating it out, trying very hard  to convince Americans why they remain the best option for the white house cruise.

While Ohio' Governor John kasich calls for more seriousness and purpose while stressing his policy direction and plan for the American people if he becomes the president, both Ted cruz and Marcio rubio tackles Donald trump on serious burning issues with trump resending the punches back to the two.

Rubio insisted trump explains a better health plan aside for his views of creating a national market, trump answered thus " you will see competition and it will be very beautiful". Dissatisfied with his argument, rubio noted trump repetitive default mode.

Rubio insisted Donald trump is not the right candidates to lead the American people calling him a "con artist".

Ted cruz who keyed in on the attack believes trump's views on his foreign policy involving Israel their closet ally in the middle east is pathetically anti-israel and cannot be a better stand for the American people. He insisted that been "neutral" shows trump inability to take a vital stand when it matters most noting that some of his opinions seems same as Hilary clinton of the Democrats.

A dramatic Trump not only repeal ted's supposition of his views, he insisted ted was not only a "basketcase", but also a "liar"not to be trusted with the votes of America. Trump labelled rubio  a ' choked artist" as he insisted Rubio Marcio wasn't a negotiator who possibly knows nothing about a broker peace deal in Israel.

Again, Rubio constantly insisted Donald should makes  public his tax returns to prove a clean slate but trump explains that he his been audited and as such his lawyers won't let him release his tax returns. He however claimed he had previously made his tax returns public and there was nothing to hide.

Meanwhile, a. Quiet Ben Carson believes his gifted hands would do more to healing the American people better than any another candidates could possibly achieve stressing that he remains the right candidate to lead the American people.

Ahead of the super Tuesday, trump remains confident as he trails ahead other republican wining New Hampshire,  south carolina and the state of nevada.


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