Why the Nigeria Military Must disregard the recent purported video by the Boko Haram Militants sect group

On his inauguration ceremony, the president made it emphatically clear that his administration will as a matter of urgency tackle the fight against ins urgency to its logical conclusion hence the pronouncement of the immediate relocation of the Nigeria Military base from Abuja to maiduguri (the heart of the war). Though, not too many may have expected such a quick response and very rapid approach,but then, the president in keeping to his too many campaign promises decided to land the first surprise on that very auspicious events even before he steps comfortably into the Aso Villa.

The Nigeria Military no doubt has achieved a great success towards the fight against ins urgency as they have greatly recorded a huge feet in their unrelenting approach in keeping up with the administrational goals and onward objectives in eradicating the dreaded Boko haram sect group. This Islamic fundamentalist has been largely responsible for the Wanton killings of hundreds of innocent lives and rendering many more thousands displaced most especially in the north eastern part of the country where their operations has recorded huge victims.

Though, the Nigeria Military seems to be doing well in their advancement towards this sect group, but then, counter attacks from this Islamic fundamentalist remains one torn on the skin of many Nigerians who obviously has been at the receiving end since the upsurge of this dreadful militant sect.

Prior to this epic battle between the Nigerian Military and this dreaded sect group, they have employed different means of carrying out their attacks. Sometimes, it comes with a frightening video threatening fire and brainstorm,while at other times, they resort to suicide attacks which almost comes at an instant producing negative effects. This has obviously been their trademarks as far as trends are concerned and it's continuation to this day spring no surprises except for the latest
video purportedly been released by this dreaded sect group.

It is overwhelmingly strange that if we must follow precedents, this purported video is way at of place going by the normal pace with which this Islamic fundamentalist group has employed in either disseminating their unholy messages or in creating a blindfold platform for future attacks and bombings. However, it is absolutely no news that change is the only constant thing worthy of observance in human existentiality but then, when such change defies natural protocols and norms, then, it is only rational to bring such dynamics to the grindstone of both public and forensic scrutiny.

A video which portrays the leader of the sect war lord (Abubakar Shekeau) asking for forgiveness, showing signs of surrendering with a body language perceived to be dancing to the tone of a cease fire arrangements is no doubt a clear and appearent calculative attempts to undermine the intelligient base of the Military. This to a greater extent might just be a strategic decoy measure been posed by this Islamic sect group to either derail the efforts of the Nigeria Military from understanding their next line of action or a perfect bait set to decieve the general masses who obviously have gotten use to their operation owing to their previous monologues of attacks and bomb launch.

No doubt, due to the Military unflinching resilience and their never say die approach to seeing the extermination of this militant sects, it may not be out of place to infer that these sect group are beginning to feel the hot pangs of defeat hence might want to resort to certain decoy measures against the tactics of the Nigeria Military who obviously are determined to take up this fight to it logical conclusion in line with the administrational directives of total extermination.

Every assault launch by the Military in recent times have been largely
successful as they have succeeded in the recapturing of several territories once held under the tutelage of this sect group, they have recorded huge feet in freeing numerous amounts of hostages in captivity, launched successful attacks in the hub base of this militants sect, destroyed their Arsenal's, killed several of them while taking some others hostage. The war is fast becoming a one sided affair as far as the Military is concerned even though this sect group still carry out pickets of attacks targeting soft spot and vulnerable zones most especially IDP camps, markets and train stations as the case has now become.

Subsequently, now that the Nigeria Military has taken their advancement towards these militants group to the peak, it is very pertinent to this end to state categorically that the Nigeria Military should as a matter of fact disregard any purported video been released by this dreaded sect group announcing some kind of a cease fire while
pleading for onward mercy. This video asfar as commonsense is concern might just be a decoy tactics by this fundamentalist group to reorganise themselves owing to the fact that the recent launch of attacks against them by the Military are beginning to clampdown on their strength and stronghold. No doubt, change is constant, but when such change becomes a thing worthy of our collective National security, then, it remains the business of every Nigerians to stand up firm in
resisting this daredevil antics.

The war  against this Militant sect group is far from over, and it is in the best interest of the Nigeria Military to remain very weary of every decoy tactics, antics and sharp bending reflections been employed by this dreaded militant sect group in a bid to undermine their sense of absolute concentration and military cohesiveness.


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