Why we must blame the Bayelsa state government for Ese Oruru's ordeal

No doubt, the Ese Oruru's saga may have been amicably taken care off by the various parties involved, but alas, there are pertinent issues that needs to be addressed before it finally goes to rest if we must prevent future occurrence of such monstrous act.

Yes! It took the generality of the masses to get Ese out of the den of her abductors treachery, but then, there are certain grey areas that sure needs both  a cursory and closer  look as we celebrate her eventual return and reunion with her families.

Now, the grouse of the matter is not the fact that Ese was kidnapped at the first instance, the grouse remains the sole fact that certain authority who should have acted swiftly didn't act when the crime was committed. Obviously, the crime was let to happen by the various state agencies who ought to take absolute responsibility of such situation either by preventing it or by acting responsibly when such act is committed.

Ese Oruru was abducted from her Bayelsa home where she was left together with her sibling in her mum's food servicing outfit. She soon became a victim when her abductors came in to whisked her away right from that same spot where she was staged alongside her siblings, as her abductors  took  advantage of their naivity and strenght of the said Ese.

She was instantly ferried to kano state where she will be forced into marriage at 13 and also forced into a religion she barely knows. The idea here isn't the fact that she was abducted in the first place, but the idea remains the distasteful  fact that she will be stripped of her inalienable right both on religion, personal liberty and human dignity.

Ese was abducted in August 2015, was ferried out of her state, forced into marriage, her parents launched a formal complaints to the necessary authorities yet it took six long months before she was eventually rescued after suffering so much indignity and manhandling.

Nevertheless, the issue before the Bayelsa state government that needs urgent answers must be analysed very closely.

Ese was 13 when she was abducted, which means she was attending a school be it government or private. The question then remains thus;  isn't there a formal register to know when a child stops coming to school? If the answer is obvious, then what was the action taken by the school thereafter one month later when Ese didn't show up in school? clearly, it shows not too much was done by her school when this act was committed. Obviously, the school authorities cared more on the amount of money they collect from their wards rather than concern themselves about the welfare of their student.

Secondly, if the Bayelsa state government has a solid child welfare program in place, they would have swung into action immediately the case became an issue of public knowledge. Truth be told, if such structures where working in the state, then, there is absolutely no reason why Ese would have been left in hands of a pedophilia for a whole six month long without acting to recover her through the appropriate channels.

Thirdly, what happened to the other security agencies in the state, Ese's mum launched a formal notice to the Bayelsa state police command soon enough for them to have done the needed investigations, asked the necessary questions and acted promptly to securing the release of this teen. If the security agencies in the state was working effectively, then, there is absolutely no reason why Ese wasn't rescued in record timing.

Matters like this are treated as top most priority requiring the highest attention of the authorities. What was the commissioner of police doing in Bayelsa state as at when the issue got to his desk. Or he wasn't aware? If the answer is no, then the Bayelsa state security chain is a total flop for allowing such case to evade Mr commissioner. Similarly, if he was duly informed, then what necessary action did he take to ensuring that the case was handled in a professional manner? Why must six month become a target timing for such case that ordinarily shouldn't take one months worst case scenerio.

The informations regarding the where about of the abductors has been provided by Ese's mum, the possible culprits already made handy, the details of the crime all made handy and already made by the solo effort of a determined and resilient mother, yet it took six month for a responsible state government to get her security agencies to act when it became too late already. Isn't this a clear indication that the state government has failed in her promise to protect lives and property? isn't this a clear sign that the state security outfit has not only failed wofully in her responsibility to protect lives, but has also showed glaringly their high level of incompetency? If it takes six months to unravel such case where all the necessary informations and puzzle surrounding the crime has been provided, then how many years will it take to solve the case where investigations are required to solve a crime solely?

Subsequently, Ese was released not because the failed structure in the state acted despite their lateness to respond ab initio, but because the Nigerian masses took the bull by the horn to ensuring that Ese was release in no short time as they felt enough was enough for such monstrous act to continue unabated with total impunity.

Ese's abduction no doubt shows very sincerely the lapses in the state security, social and welfare structures in the state as the facts are glaringly obvious that the Bayelsa state government failed woefully in her responsibility and duties to care and protect the lives of every  Bayelsian.


  1. Well articulated and spot on. Obviously the state machinery and security apparatus were busy with the drama and fun fair of politics. A misplaced priority.


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