Egypt unrest- Al-sisi warns anti- government protest group

Egyptian president Abdul fattah al-Sisi has sounded a note of warning to all those he described as evil forces wanting to bring the country back to her damaged days. Al-sisi who in a televised address warned that any disturbance noticed in the state will be adequately dealt with noted that security forces have been placed on strategic sites across the country.

This is coming in a wake of events where the Egyptian governments against all odds ceded two of her islands to Saudi Arabia and also the recently reached agreement by the Egyptian authorities banning any group of persons believed to be 10 in number.   This according to reports is in absolute contraction to the people's right according to certain human rights groups and activists as they consider such move as anti-people oriented,

President al-sisi who swiftly defended the move to ceding the two red sea islands - Sanafir and Tiran indicated that the islands has never belonged to Egypt contrary to claims and that it was on the request of the Saudi Arabian authority that have made Egyptian troops to be stationed in that islands since 1950.

President El-sisi who stressed that it is his duty to protect the Egyptian people noted that bringing stability to the country was of top most priority to his administration agenda.

Security agencies have been placed in strategic position to curb any form of unrest. Interior minister Magdy Abdel Ghaffar revealed that security forces will confront with extreme rigour any attempted attempt to disturbing public order -reports AFP News Agency.

El-sisi who became the popular choice emerge as the country's president in 2013 following a military overthrow in which he led amidst protest against ousted president Mohammed Morsi's rule.

Following the overthrow, more than 1000 has been killed while over 40,000 persons jailed believed to be supporters of Morsi whose group has now become an outlaw Muslim brotherhood in the country.


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