The NFF and her foreign coach drama

Following the solo walk of erstwhile super eagles handler sunday oliseh away from the national team due to breach of contract and other discreet detailing, the super eagles has been without an authentic management despite the short but very disappointing run of coach Samson Siasia as interim head.

However, since the super eagles couldn't make it pass the qualifiers for an eventual tickets to the AFCON 2017, the then Nigerian football federation led board decided to shop for a foreign technical adviser who will eventually bring back the glory days as it were. Though, the spirit was willing but the body language of the glass says the reverse hence a long wait for the ghost foreign technical manager with the talismanic rod became an unrealistic journey in futility.

With some many high profile names ear marked for the job, Nigerians became more hopeful than been real as the treasure hunt continued in his illusive pattern without end.

Recently, the New board led by chris Giwa again brought back this illusive thought with a pronouncement of finding a foreign coach for the national team before June as modalities are said to be in  place for the actualisation of such projects.

As Nigerians listen carefully to yet again another round of what has now become a 'sporting melody', the minister of sports solomon dalung came out yesterday to spill the rotten beans by dis associating self from the supposed hiring of a foreign coach.

According to the Mr Dalung, the sport ministry is not aware of such move and that he has not signed any documents relating to the hiring of any foreign coach, if at all, he was as amazed as any other Nigerian regarding the said foreign technical adviser as the case maybe.

Well, no surprises at all as Mr Dalung has never seen the need for one even when all fingers positively point to same obvious direction, the self styled sport maestro heading such a Pro. Ministry has always played the defence wing thus shifting the goal post if he so will.

Though, this is really not about Mr Dalung, but about the sincerity of the NFF in giving our football the needed attention and recommendations it deserves. This is about the honesty of the highly coveted Glass house, their sincerity of purpose and absolute wits in seeing that our National team regains her prominence once again as it were in time past.

The super eagles has repeatedly and consistently failed to qualify for three consecutive occasions now yet this does not bother the said Glass occupants who has persistently failed in her duties and functions to administer the right pills to our ailing football.

That sunday oliseh walk out on them not minding her juicy contract didn't bother them, either the 'Africa Pep Guardiola' became an enemy of progress. That sunday oliseh though 'abandon' the team, but his reasons seems Genuinely vindicated given the kind of NFF we have who will rather line their pockets fat and deep rather than attend to matters of National relevance.

The NFF is ailing and this symptoms has not failed to manifest in the total well-being of our football as things seems going from bad to worse anytime the show begins start. Though, this has not in any way
vindicated the irrationality  of our so unpatriotic players who will rather play for money than adorn the green and white jerseys in pride. No doubt, this players might be a flopp, but then our NFF is a more even flopp that even an insane person could attest to such fact.

The aphorism of those living in  Glass houses seems not to govern their intellect as they continue to throw more deliberate stones which has not doubt affected the psyche of their policy administration and over all competence. Indeed! The Glass is falling and more stones continues to trip in with reckless abandon.....#PrayForOurFootballGlassHouse


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