Is Nigeria really Fantastically corrupt?

Nigeria! A country been labelled as not only the Giant of Africa but also the most populous black nation as far as the African continent is concerned. With a population of over 160 million persons, Nigeria is ranked first when it comes to the production of crude oil in Africa and also one among the top five in the world as far as oil production is concerned. Though, a nation believed to carry the blazing troy of ascendancy among its African brothers, Nigeria as it were have barely lived up to expectations as many may argue going by the enormous resources it has at her disposal.  This is clearly evidence by the living standards of her citizens where only those behind the sweet corridors of power enjoys a sumptuous meal to the detriment of the majority who be all standards remains the goose that lays the golden eggs both intrinsically and otherwise as the case maybe yet get so little. 

Though, not too many may understand the pains and fears of so many Nigerians who by virtues of these un holy contradiction suffers untold hardship, but then, the ball of cushion which obviously should have acted as pads and grease to alleviating this suffering, suddenly becomes some sort of a Monalisa Paintings reserve only for the "highest bidders" who apparently either belongs to the elitist group or the political class. This trend has however made it difficult for governance to be transparent at all levels, as leaders no longer show a sense of responsibility and sincerity to the people who so elects them with their mandate not only to serve with true allegiance, but also to guild and protect the virtues of the office they so occupy.

Corruption has become a peg in which governance is so predicated as leaders now lords themselves as demigods to the disadvantage of the majority who are legally supposed to acclaim such a feat but alas, the table has now become a fulcrum where it spins are now determined  by a corrupt few who not only share, loot and embezzle our commonwealth without recourse to sanity.  Corruption has eaten so deep that it has now become so impossible to separate the shift from the shaft as this has marauded for way too long in a country believed to set the pace and standards for others to follow.

 No doubt the statement made by Prime Minister David Cameron is raising so much dust in a country where the fight against corruption is fast becoming a cultural norm around the political landscape if we are to go by the body language and verbal reasoning of this current administrative setup. Efficient as this fight may be, some pundits have argued that this tempo might be dampened when corruption starts fighting back with a lion fist, while some more are of the opinion that with a sincerity of purpose, the sky might just be a stepping stone to achieving a society where accountability will once again become the hallmark of every public officer who by virtues of their position misuses the statutory functions and allocations meant for public good.

Prior to this administration, there is no gain saying that Nigeria has been living under a Cesarean table where the surgical analysis of the nations wealth lies within the ambit of a microscopic few who in turn gives out peanut to the majority of Nigerians. An administration where the lexis CABAL became a norm in governance as public officers will rather substitute greed for commonsense, an administration where public officers sees their position as a means to enriching themselves rather than building infrastructure,  an administration where whims and caprices overrides not only commonsense but also national interest and lastly, an administration that treats criminality not only with kid gloves but also teaches them the culture of impunity.

Subsequently, with all this issues in our kitty, what then become of a nation when a public office holder uses the machinery of the states to purchase bullet proof cars worth millions just for self and nobody sees anything wrong in it?,what then becomes the reputation of a country when a few CABAL sits on the nations petroleum sector, dines and wines with our collective wealth as if they are having dinner and breakfast and such individuals are never questioned? what then becomes the image of a nation when a few power brokers uses the nations wealth meant for arms purchase worth billions of dollars  to enrich themselves? what then becomes the state of the nations image when just a single individual embezzle an entire pension funds worth millions and such matters are treated with kid gloves? Hmm! *no b smal tin oh, i say no bi smal tin oh (shout out to 2baba)*

Seriously, our image prior to now has not only been laundered in the eyes of our African brothers, but has also been bartered in the eyes of the world as we surged on with a government where cluelessness prevaricates the sacred pristine of governance. Now, with such a perception  already molded up, what then do we expect from onlookers who now perceive us as " FANTASTICALLY CORRUPT". Truth be told, Mr Cameron was fair enough when he whispered such analysis within the sacred echelon of the Buckingham Palace. Nigeria needs a total introspection as we work harder to cleanse our already battered image if we must once again regain our place of pride within the comity of nations. 


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