The Leicester Glory and the Lesson Note For Super Eagles

Impossibility some say is a magical word reserved only for super humans,to some others,its a word never to be used by mere mortals while to some more, its a word that exist only in the delusive world of the human mind. Well, be that as it may, such concepts may seems to be falling apart with the growing trends of certain mere mortals who now wear the garb of super humans, believe so passionately in this delusive mind of theirs and in fact extend their passion into this illusive world to secure the word impossibility.    

 One cannot but admire the victorious Leicester city as they stunned the world not only by winning the prestigious English League Title (EPL) but also with the kind of bravery and determination in which they used in achieving such feat. Behold! this was a team that battled with relegation two seasons ago, eventually got relegated as they where sent packing by the so called big names to ply their trade in the championship division. This was the case of an unknown Leicester city some two seasons ago as they were regarded as the never do well in football both by soccer pundits and football analyst who has always viewed the beautiful game of football as based on what a team has to offer in terms of what they present as arrays of stars in their Arsenals.

For Leicester, it was an odd no body was willing to stake even though the prize money was huge, it was an odd nobody was willing to risk even at giveaways but then, for the players of Leicester, this was one odd that they were willing to stake with life using passion and determination as bait to attaining such an herculean task. They played every game with determination, took every match as if it were their last, believed in themselves and stayed focus without losing guard. That indeed, paid off eventually as their resilience and passion overrides their personal gains and avarice.

For Leicester, they sojourn ahead irrespective of the fact that they had;No big names, No fanciful stadium,  No highest paid player, No play-makers, No fat bonuses, No big salaries earners, No world cup stars included in the team, No big money spending among other essentials. This was a team that gloried the pride in adorning the colors of what they wear, this was a team that allowed team interest to overrides personal greed, this was a team that allowed team principles to guard their reasoning while on the pitch, this was a team that was barely promised millions of dollars before they do the right thing for both fans and folks, this was a team that wouldn't wait for anybody to talk ceaselessly about their horrid performances before they improved themselves individually so as to get the best in the next game, this was a team that never allowed too much success gets into their head, this was a team that remained humbled, stayed humbled and eventually got crowned champions as a result of hard work, determination, passion, due diligence and focus. Indeed this was a team caught applying the beautiful quotes of one foremost American president when he posited thus; Do not think of what your country can do for you, but think about what you can offer your country. Indeed, the players of Leicester sure didn't think of what they can always get from team management( if u no pay us, we no go play, if u no gv us bonus, we no go play, if u no increase our allowance we go protest, no luxury accommodation, we no go come camp etc as seen in many instances) -The Nigeria case.

Leicester city has not only proved so many theories wrong by winning this title, but has also succeeded in sending the green alert to all those who cares to listen (most especially certain unpatriotic teams -The super eagles as a case study) that passion and determination towards a particular cause is just the needed recipe if we truly want success as money and some other Luxury once believed to be a determinants is not only mere secondary but also a great fallacy in the definition of success. The lessons learn here will always remain an inspiration to all those who still hope to make a mark while still been focus on their cause, while it will forever remain a constant shame to all those who puts money first not only before their career but before commonsense. I hope the Nigerian super eagles learns from this lesson, forever study this note and one day come to their senses of putting the nation first before anything...............|| ISTANDFORTRUTH||


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