Trump proposes extreme vetting for immigrants

Trump who proposes strident immigration rules most especially on Muslim American, also announced his policy on absolutely vetting all those who strives to find refuge in the united states as he stressed the need for an "extreme vetting" for anybody whatsoever her nationality echoing such call basically on suspected Muslims in America whose ties with terror groups are clearly inexplicable due to their activities and covert mission. The Republican hopeful whose ties with Russian Vladimir Putin knows no bound, also promised to work seriously with the Russian government in the fight against Islamic fundamentalist terror group in the middle east while promising to launch a commission on radical Islam.
"The time is over due to develop a new screening test for the threats we face today. I call it extreme vetting. I call it extreme, extreme vetting"
The Republican presidential nominee who didn't make a complete statement without hammering on incumbent president Barrack Obama and his former secretary of states, blamed the duo for the current challenges the world now face when it comes to extreme terrorism. According to Trump, from the terrorist operation across Europe to the recent attacks in Fort Hood, Boston, Chattanooga, San Bernardino, Orlando and that of Louisiana and the other in Minnesota, both Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton couldn't have been connected with this attacks due to their failed policies that have affected global peace.
"This the rise of ISIS is a direct result of policy decision made by president Obama and Secretary of States Clinton" he said, " The decisions made by the Obama/Clinton group have been absolutely disastrous". Trump who blame the current ruins in Libya on the inability of then Secretary Clinton to make positive decision in Libya, also tackles president Obama on the civil war in Syria and the terrorism in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula.
"Incident after incident proves that Hillary Clinton lacks the judgement ......ability and temperament and the moral character to lead our nation" . In lambasting the democratic presidential nominee, the Republican nominee continued thus, "she also lacks the mental and physical stamina to take on ISIS and all of the many adversaries we face"
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