For many bookmakers, it was going to be a landslide for Prime Minister Theresa May as the election draws close with so much anticipation already in the air. In a similar fashion, both political analyst and UK social commentators have predicted a massive moon slide for the chief occupant of the Great Number 10. Seemingly, While the above bask in a cuspidal political fashion, the European community wasn't left out in the dissection as they watched closely with tight-fisted arms. For the records, Brexit means Brexit. Nobody gave Jeremy Corbyn a chance as all eyes became fixated on Prime Minister May, in whose decision brought about the now anticipated snap election. According to May, this will further strengthen her drive in pursuing squarely the realisation of the New United Kingdom anchored on the people's will. May who wanted a full house otherwise known as a parliament majority by her side when the negotiation eventually starts, believe that this election will no doubt...
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