Lawyers to Paris attacker gives up

Following his alleged role as mastermind of the November Paris attacks,French lawyer Frank Berton on Wednesday and his Belgian colleague Sven Mary have both decided to give up Abdeslam's defence as they believe he will continue to refuse to speak to police and investigators.
"Given our position, what are we supposed to do?" Berton said on BFM television. "We said from the beginning ... that if our client remained silent we would quit his defence."

 Despite telling a judge that he would explain his actions at a later date when first questioned in France, Abdeslam has refused to answer questions since being transferred from Belgium in April.

According to a Reuters Reports, The 27-year-old Belgian-born French national has written to the authorities to tell them he no longer wanted representation, according to Berton, who said he has seen his client about 10 times and regularly spoken to him on the phone.

Saleh Abdeslam is the only surviving member of the dastardly Paris attacks that killed over 120 persons leaving several hundreds injured in the seven locations of their operations.   


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