Refugees plight by elitist nation

Following the unending violence that is glaring affecting certain nations of the world and her ceaseless natural disasters inflicting severe pain and untold hardship onto her people, there have been serious concern questioning the insipid treatment of Refugees around the world most especially as it concern bigger nations in sharp contrast to the seemingly positive response of some other smaller Nations whose humane and positive assistance have been second to none.
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The world refugees crisis which has been on the rise in recent time past has been greatly hindered by the lukewarm attitude of majority of the world's wealthiest nation who practically turns a blind eye with little or no show of concern when the going becomes dire for the fleeing multitude who now seeks some measure of asylum due to no fault of theirs. Some, due to gross desperation uses the most deadliest route just to get onshore irrespective of whether they die or survive in their challenging quest first for safety then a better life.

According to a recent report by London base right group, this unequal distribution share is responsible for the current exacerbating problems facing global refugee crisis. The report further reveals that 56% of the world's 21 Million Refugees are been hosted by countries with just 2.5 percent account of the Global economy.

Given instances of countries like Britain and some other wealthy nations whose GDP way outclasses these nations by economic precedence, there is absolutely no gain saying that smaller countries and least endowed nations like Jordan, Turkey, Labanon, Iran, Ethiopia and even Kenya with fewer resources are left to provide home for millions of migrants who now seeks asylum for no fault of theirs.

For some, poverty cannot be a rule out motive, for others, natural disasters are just well enough reasons, while to majority others, the unending violence and serious effect of war devastation has made them decide their fate else they perish. Well, be that as it may, there is no gain saying  the Refugee crisis situation has been poorly managed most especially by the elitists nation who now leave the fairly endowed nation to bear the brunt of accommodation. 


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