Trump hits hard on Hillary in Florida

Speaking at a campaign rally yesterday at lake land Florida, Republican presidential nominee in his new found strategy took on fleeing Republican party members while also attacking rival Hillary Clinton as well as the press for their accomplice role played in the on-going campaign. Trump who have long since been deserted by majority of Republican goons was seen all alone as he took to the Swing state of Florida in a Trump fashion style.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump arrives for a rally in Lakeland, Florida Wednesday."She shouldn’t be allowed to run for president. Based on her crimes, she should not be allowed to run for president".

According to the billionaire politician, those fleeing Republicans are not only hypocrites of themselves but are also too weak to stand up for what is right when the battle becomes tough. Trump who had earlier said he did do better without them told the teeming rally fan "if only he could get some help from these weak Republicans".

“These are weak people.” Mr Trump added.

Making good his plan to hit harder on Secretary Clinton, Mr Trump once again reaffirmed his earlier stance made on the debate stage in St. Louis when he threatened to jail Hillary Clinton should he win the November poll election. Bringing up the issue of her private emails with the FBI, Mr Trump said thus “She deleted the emails - she has to go to jail.”    “If you do this privately, it’s a criminal act,” Trump alleged, based on emails.

Trump had earlier promised to hire a private investigator in revisiting Mrs. Clinton's email scandal as he believe what the FBI did wasn't as thorough as it should have been, suggesting a secret hiding somewhere yet to be uncovered. “She lied in front of Congress to such an extent... I will ask my attorney general to appoint a special prosecutor.” he added

Turning his searchlight to the press, Donald Trump attacked their accomplices in covering Secretary's Clinton dirty job saying Mrs. Clinton have continually used them to perpetuate her "devilish act"   from time immemorial. “Without the press, without the media, Hillary Clinton is nothing,” Trump says. “She’s nothing. She’s nothing".

“These guys are so crooked - they’re worse than Hillary Clinton. I think they could be more crooked than Hillary, and that’s saying a lot.”

“They make us sound like such jerks! It’s unbelievable. I tell you, these must be the most dishonest people you’ll ever see. You know who I’m talking about, back there - you should be ashamed of yourself.”

Donald Trump who also clarifies his alleged ties with Vladimir Putin indicates his affinity to work with the Russians if opportunity allows,but straightened that he barely know Putin and does not know anything about them contrary to media propaganda.

"what do I know about the Russians? What do I know about the Russians?” he asked. 

“I promise, I don’t have any deals with Russia,” Trump continues. “I think if we got along with the Russians, that would be good, and
 frankly, if we got along with the Russians and knocked the hell out of Isis, that would be good.”

“That would be smart - but we don’t run government smart.”he added.



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