Trump in sexual scandal
Natasha Stoynoff worked for the Toronto Star for about two years in the early 1990s, as a reporter and photographer, and later for People for two decades. According to Stoynoff, she had to come out clean given Donald's blatant lie on the debate stage in St. Louis when he denied questions over his sexual misconducts towards women. She said that Trump assaulted her three months after the Access
Hollywood video was recorded, when she went to his Florida home at the
Mar-a-Lago club to interview him and his wife Melania about their first

“Our photo team shot the Trumps on the lush
grounds of their Florida estate, and I interviewed them about how happy
their first year of marriage had been. When we took a break for the
then-very-pregnant Melania to go upstairs and change wardrobe for more
photos, Donald wanted to show me around the mansion. There was one
‘tremendous’ room in particular, he said, that I just had to see,” she
“We walked into that room alone, and
Trump shut the door behind us. I turned around, and within seconds he
was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat.
I’m a tall, strapping girl who grew up wrestling two giant brothers. I
even once sparred with Mike Tyson. It takes a lot to push me. But Trump
is much bigger — a looming figure — and he was fast, taking me by
surprise and throwing me off balance. I was stunned. And I was grateful
when Trump’s longtime butler burst into the room a minute later, as I
tried to unpin myself.”
Stoynoff said Trump told her soon after, “You know we’re going to have
an affair, don’t you?” The next day, she said, she was alarmed when a
Mar-a-Lago massage therapist told her Trump had been waiting for her in a
massage room before she arrived for an appointment he had helped to
“I’m not sure what locker room talk consists of these days. I only know
that I wasn’t in a locker room when he pushed me against a wall. I was
in his home, as a professional, and his beautiful pregnant wife was just
upstairs,” Stoynoff wrote. “Talk is talk. But it wasn’t just talk in my
case, it was very much action. And, just for the record, Mr. Trump, I
did not consent.”
Trump who had previously apologized for the said Lewd Comments about women, have subsequently described such comments of "Groping" women and "Kissing" them without consent as mere "Locker Room" talk.
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