U.N gets new Sec-Gen

The United Nation yesterday appointed a new Secretary General for the commission amid Ban-Ki-Moon's five years tenure which ends in January 2017. The Portuguese, who led the UN refugee agency UNHCR for 10 years, was chosen from among 13 candidates last week. 
Antonio Guterres of Portugal, Secretary-General designate of the United Nations, speaks during his appointment at UN headquarters on 13 October, 2016
Antonio Guterres 67, who have been at the forefront of helping refugees fleeing conflict region, had seriously held a case for humanitarians victims, calling fervently on the West to help alleviate the pains and anguish of this persons. Guterres was head of the UNHCR refugee agency from 2005 to 2015, he led the agency through some of the world's worst refugee crises, including those in Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq.  

The Portuguese, who led the UN refugee agency UNHCR for 10 years, was chosen from among 13 candidates last week.

According to a BBC reports, Mr Guterres' nomination came despite a concerted effort to appoint the UN's first female secretary general. Of the 13 candidates, seven were women, among them Unesco director general Irina Bokova, from Bulgaria, and Helen Clark, 66, a former prime minister of New Zealand and current head of the UN development programme.

He officially takes over the realms of power as UN top diplomat on Jan 1 when Current Secretary General resigns.  


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