The Trump America

Following his shock emergence as the winner of the Nov.8 General elections despite his political rhetoric, bigotry statements and hate calls, one thing became clear and that was the renegotiation of a New America given the stance a Donald Trump represents. So was the anticipation most especially among those who understood the witty arrangements of what Donald Trump represent both on policies and politics given his unapologetic ego towards his illusory cum supremacist dream of a supposed " America first" which was glaringly cemented during his inaugural speech at the capitol hill.
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The Trump America which didn't begin recently, started over some months ago prior to the presidential election, even before the GOP primaries which eventually gave him the green light as the party flag-bearer. Just like a day-dream, it all started like an uncertainty whose navigation sail had missed her core cardinals as it sailed through the deep waters of the Arctic sea. However, that uncertainty shockingly defies natural navigation when the ship surprisingly berthed swiftly at a port of call despite the sailors obvious unconventional rules of engagement governing the sailing waters/sea.

With such tactics of berthing, the sailor eventually snowballed into what many now refers to the political Trump Bermuda of no return. This was how he managed to win the GOP primaries, got the party nomination tickets, campaigned at the general elections and thereafter got the presidency as the 45th president of the United States. Hmm! The Trump America soon began in grand-style as the sky became a stepping stone in unleashing some his unconventional political navigation into the free world despite public opinions whom according to popular vote, he sure didn't have, but still had the presidency going by the ultimate electoral college vote counts which her democratic rival fell short off to the shock and consternation of many who had primed her as the next historic female president of the United States.

Well, just like his "eureka moments", Donald Trump began playing his famous Trump card barely seconds after his inauguration, as his first action was an executive signature against the long standing Affordable Health Program otherwise nicknamed "ObamaCare". Despite the odds of intentionally signing such acts which could absolutely cause the very avoidable deaths of over 30 million American, president Trump went ahead as he gallantly gave a supporting Republican congress now a majority the green light to adequately dump an health care program which they had unsuccessfully fought to overturned in the last eight years.

Like the saying goes- "A venomous snake stings who ever it chooses despite family ties". Such was the absolute case as Mr. Chameleon again took to his pen, signing some other executive orders that neither align self with the Republican congress, nor connected with the American dream. Sure, it was Donald again trying to renegotiate what his supposed America should look like. No arguments, Donald Trump had his ways in steering the murky waters either ways. 

Next, his signature took a shock swipe at the Muslim nation, as Mr. Trump vetted an executive order banning seven core Muslim nation from entering the US,under the guise of a supposed strident immigration new vetting process. This which didn't go well with the America dream of yesteryear's, caused a strong fury both with majority Republicans, Democrats even with the intelligence arm of the nation as many believe such political tantrums poses serious threats to the peace of not just America but also to the international community who now suffers extremism. Well, this is Donald Trump man, lets face it.

In the spirit of signing executive orders, president Trump took again to the oval table as his master pen went into action signing yet again another executive order. This time, Mr. President slaps a hold on the US-Refugee program which had been the tenets and ethics of what America stands for in trying to accommodate some of the world's  most vulnerable. Hmm! This is Trump America, what ah ell.

Well, America has never been in such a precarious situation where her core values now stares others in the face as a quick monster capable of eating up the world's affection. Gosh! the order didn't stop there as there are more shocks than meets the camel eyes.

The Syrian nation have known more devastation than love in recent years, as government forces continuous her nefarious activities in the Syrian states of Aleppo and some other cities, thereby melting discomfort, hardship and possibly deaths on her people. The Assad government had always showed defiance through her affiliation with her colleagues from Moscow as they sought to suppressing opposition now termed "rebels". This action which had led to too many deaths had spurred the migration of Syrians, mostly the vulnerable to a safer land. To this end, the American-Syrian Refugee program took effect as a way of saving the pains and black mood of families seeking asylum in the free world.

Sure, that was the case prior to the very last executive order that saw an indefinite ban on this program alienating Syrian refugees from entering the United States under what Donald Trump called an absolute extreme vetting in trying to save his own supposed version of America operating differently from the norm without recourse to sanity, caution or purity of sympathy to the vulnerable now seeking a safe space for their lives, away from the devastation of war. *sigh* What a Trump America!

This order which is currently rocking the peaceful state of the nation had seen the removal of the Attorney General of the United States, absolute fracas between the court and the white house as they disagree on immigration policies, travel ban and the others. This no doubt is what president Trump stood for even prior to his election as his populist opinion knew no bound even at the table of commonsense yet he got to the throne. This was absolutely what he had preached, clamored and chanted during the campaigns, yet he was elected. This was his rhetoric statements, calls and engagement even before his supporters, yet he got their support on a blindfold basis. This was a Trump who called a fellow presidential candidate "nasty", yet he took the electoral college vote. This was a Trump who claim to know more than "GENERALS" yet he became the 45th president of the free world. A strong admirer of Vladimir Putin obviously shouldn't act differently from his role model as it now stands. A man who makes president Durtere of the Philippines a saint should not be expected to perform some magical attitudinal change as he is now who he is because he was able to cash on the supremacist and vulnerability of those Americans who were naive enough to believe in his crude and unconventional rhetoric of an illusory "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN".       





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