Isil claims responsibility for Manchester

Following the dastardly Monday night attack at the Manchester arena during the Ariana Grenade concert that claims so many lives, investigative reports have revealed the attack connection to the Islamic militant sect group Isil.
Image result for isis flag picture
 The group claimed responsibility barely some 48hours after the dreaded attack. Though the authorities are yet to ascertain the veracity of this claim, the fact established remain the glaring fact that the attacker may not have acted alone contrary to earlier reports.

Image result for Pray for manchester pictureThe attacker identified as Abedi Salmon attended the Salford university, a business student who stopped going to lectures prior to this attacks. Authorities reveal attacker as lonely during growing up.

He was found to have travelled to Libya prior to the attacks.

Current victims still stay at 22dead, while of the increased wounded victims, 20 are said to be in a critical state.

Victims reported being majorly teens.

The police have now arrested three persons connected to the Manchester attacks.

According to the British Prime minister, this attack may not be the last as they might be another looming imminently.

Both football players around the world alongside celebrities have grossly condemned the attacks, calling it wicked.  


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