Dozens of kidnapped chibok girls freed

Breaking News: Sequel to their abduction on the 14 of April 2014, Boko haram fundamentalist group has caused untold mayhem and deadly attacks to the citizens of Nigeria, most especially to those residents at the northern part of the nation.

Three years on ever since the deadly islamic sect captured over 200 chibok school girls at the government girls secondary schools, the international community has however kept a vigilante eye on the kidnapped girls situation, with the sole aim of pressuring the Nigerian govt to live onto his responsibility in rescuing this girls back.

This however gave more spark to the global outcry calling for the rescue of the kidnapped girls.

According to some senior officials of the govt, the release of the 82 chibok kidnapped school girls was due to some behind the scene negotiation which had been on-going since the release of the first 21.

Last month, the Nigerian president assured campaign conveners advocating for the rescue of this girls that the government is doing her best, stating that they remain determined to bringing the kidnapped girls out of captivity.

On Oct last year, the govt of president Muhammadu Buhari successfully negotiated the release of over 21 of the abducted girls, leaving the number to 195. Also, prior to that feat, the joint effort of the Nigerian Civilian JTF alongside her military operatives, secured the live of one of the kidnapped girls who on account was reported to have escape her way through the caves of Sambisa Forest.

The search which continued after the release of the #Chibok21, took a desperate dimension as both civil rights groups and campaigners advocating for the release of the chibok girls (BringBackOurGirls), took the govt by the wrist as they demand more works on the part of the Nigerian govt. 


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