James Comey and the future

It's well over six months after the much-anticipated election ended, yet the talks and seemingly investigation into one of the most controversial electoral combat still continues to linger on with both sides of the divide making out a case for themselves. The election which was greeted with so much interest both within and outside the U.S shores, had so much expectation as the international community watched diligently with folded arms. 

As for those on the sidelines, it was an election which could either mar or make their future as they also await the intense electoral combat come to its climax with an eventual winner. Though, not so many saw what eventually came as the last minute's winner, but what majority of Americans including the international community decided, made more sense than meet the open eye. Indeed, "Something went wrong somewhere", and they meant it as said.
FBI director James Comey testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington Six months after such conclusion and thorough findings, FBI director James Comey would see himself as the fulcrum of conversation standing right in front of a congressional panel, as he defends his not so healthy part played during and before the Nov.8 General election that saw the painful defeat of Hillary Rodham Clinton of the democratic party. 

Comey whose investigative antics and demeanour at the last hour of the election brought about a major change in the eventual presidential election, indeed, upturned the political calculations of what had been decided some few months back prior to election D.day. In fact, according to reports and political analyst, the FBI director directly or indirectly influenced the eventual outcome of the general election with his 11th hour released of some Email findings report relating to the presidential candidate of the democratic party. This no doubt, caused a tactical hurricane in switching the minds of potential voters away from the geographical landscape of Hillary Clinton as they made way for the celebrity apprentice superstar turned politician Donald J. Trump. 

As Comey appeared before congress Wednesday, May 3rd, the congressional walls of the capitol hill took a different shape as both democrats and republicans took to the FBI director in some near grill session that could pass for an epic action thriller. 

In defence, Comey indicated what he did, was for the benefit of the bureau who has sworn an allegiance to always speak up irrespective of whose ox is gored. According to comey, it will be tantamount to a concealment, should he decide to hide any form of his investigation from the public. 

“Look, this is terrible,” he admitted. “It makes me mildly nauseous to think that we might have had some impact on the election. But honestly, it wouldn’t change the decision.”

Indeed, James Comey does not need a soothsayer to educate him about the clear guidelines of the Justice department that infers seriously that all investigation should be kept confidential, warning the bureau to stay out of an election.  Surly but sadly, the FBI director flaunted the rules and went ahead to interfere with an already dusted election set on the path of victory by the democratic presidential candidate after he released some documents relating Mrs.Clinton's use of private server while she was secretary of states. 

Comey's testimony before the senate judicial committee showed his already rehearse rhetoric as he sought to show some flair of self-sacrifice for the future of the bureau, when he noted thus- " “I knew this would be disastrous for me personally,” he said, “but I thought this is the best way to protect these institutions that we care so much about.”

Care! seriously, if what comey did was care, then the bureau must have been doomed to careless about the future of the American people whose election was perceived to have been greatly influenced by a foreign nation under the perfect watch of the FBI, whose director seem to care more about the use of private emails than protecting his country's most sacred foundation.  Really, James Comey so much cared. 

Compare that with the FBI’s investigation into Russian manipulation of the Donald Trump campaign and its hacking of the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. James Comey must be given a noble prize for been caring indeed.  

For Hillary Clinton, in a recent interview, James Comey was the perfect bait used by Donald Trump in deciding the outcome of the election. According to Clinton, she had everything going until comey came with some spurious melody that looked very much like a staged scene. 

“But I was on the way to winning, until a combination of Jim Comey’s letter on 28 October and Russian WikiLeaks raised doubts in the minds of people who were inclined to vote for me but got scared off.”  
While the air continues to blow hot about the interference of some external forces in the decider of who eventually becomes the 45th president of the United States, eyes will continue to hover around the FBI director for the better part of posterity long even after he must have left the bureau.  

With the ignoble perception of the Kremlin been involved in the U.S election still under cursory look, comey just have one more opportunity for atonement by providing the much needed proof before it becomes too late. If he fails in this last assignment to rewrite his name in gold print, then subsequent FBI directors may as well look back at Comey’s inappropriate calls, priority, decisions and wonder what on earth he was doing about foreign spying, corruption and interference as it affects the very foundation that lays the institutional strength of the United States.  


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