
Showing posts from July, 2015

The Nigeria-US Romance

No doubt, some may call it political gimmicks, others may say it's a kind of policy plea bargaining as only few will understand the Altruism behind this National rigmarole cum political fraternity as it were. Obviously, the city of washington is not new to ceremonies as the Capitol Hill has always taken the front seat when it comes to organising parties and playing host to several dignitaries world over as this has further engrave the Name 'world big brother in Bold letters. The Nigerian government no doubt got their own share of this climax of events as the white house gave Mr president and it's envoy not only a listening ears but also accorded them a traditional first class reception. In the scheme of things, top on the agenda list was putting an end to terrorism which was of top most priority. Again, the American govt pledge it's full support in ensuring a quick nd possible end to this menance that has ravaged the country both in time past and present. Sure! They di...



Our Pride Not Bride

........The irony of the right of the Girl child remains a contestable truth among majority if not all developing nations( Nigeria as a case drop) who still find the hard truth to believe that 'No Nation exist in unity without the inclusion of the Girl child'. consequently, with this ignorant trend on rampage, it is fact of certainty that the African Traditional religion has remain one very rigid entity that has given credence to this myopic tenets and norms as this sacrilegious trend continues unabated towards the falling standard of the protection of the Girl child. Pedophilia and randy old men continues to bask in the euphoria of this unholy trend as they claim 'INVINCIBILITY'. No doubt, this is a total relegation and degradation on the inalienable right of the girl child but alas, in a society where morality has been thrown to the gallows, the truth is considered inconsequential as societal norms and values is been mortgage with Money and unnecessary gift in exchan...

Our National dileama

No doubt, the fine lyrical contents by T.Y bello 'The land is Green' seems to be losing its facets in all ramifications as the obvious spells it all. Truth be told, the land has not only lost its fertility but also it's nourishment nd nutrients as the case maybe. In recent happenings, the people seems to be at the extreme of its infertility as the facts are not only glaringly axiomatic but apparently concise when we consider the severe anhilation nd environmental mishap that has befallen our people in midst of 'Many'. Painfully nd sardonically, we cannot feign a sense of mental oblivion to the senseless attacks of innocent Nigerians by some irredendist,faceless, clueless and irate fundamentalist group whose mission are not only purposeless but also directionless to the Nigerian states. They claim to be against western civilisation and all its dealings, but then, their activities are absolutely in total misconception and contradictory to their said mission and tenet...

The Irony Of Governance

Irony is most often defined as a contrast between expectations and realities in a circumstances. Throughout history, there have been many examples of ironies in a variety of very dissimilar spectra ranging from politics, government, culture and media. Historical irony is most often recognise well after an original statement or occurrence since it often takes current perspectives to shed a greater light on a previous issue, statements or situations. Princeton university- a renowned institute for advanced studies have revealed that the middle class known to french theorist as' Petit bourgeoisie' failed in over 98percent of measured cases to notice the inherent irony in their lives. Though their very existence are riddled with the exact opposite of intended meanings that define irony as we know it. Subsequently, an average capitalist sees nothing wrong in boarding a first class cabin even when land transportation is in perfect health as he sees such ostentious lifestyle as part of...

The Clamour For A Change

From the Americas to the Bahamas, From Europe to Antarctica, From wall-street down to the NSE, The dynamics of the world would forever remain an evolutionary trend as man continues to tackle his imminent challenges headlong. Though, in a seemingly challenging globe where the quest for change keeps proliferating in leaps nd bounds, then, there is absolutely no gain saying "All hands must be on deck" as the clamour for change lies in the togetherness of a concretize effort. From time immemorial, historical accounts and facts have been a vivid repository on how Nations who craved for change scaled through this socio-economic cum political gargantuan height of mount Olympian. From a cursory glance, it would be observed from an axiomatic stand point of rationality that such high-falautine landmarks wasn't achieved in isolation as both the leader and the led was actively sunked in the struggle and eventual success of the needed 'Change'. A quick example of the aforement...