
Showing posts from January, 2017

Trump offers trade deals to Russia

Amid his inauguration come Jan.20, president-elect Donald Trump is already penning down some select few countries which he hopes to do trade deals and some other bilateral agreement with. The president-elect who spoke with several news media few days back hinted his dislike for the growing numbers of migrants most especially in some nation which he now term as "catastrophic". President-elect trump who spoke to the Times of London in his New York mansion said he was willing to do business with both Britain and Russia, given the very instances why he had to choose this duo most especially the latter whom many now see as his first love both in diplomacy and political bandwagon. “I love the U.K.,” Trump told the Times of London in an interview at Trump Tower in New York. “We’re gonna work very hard to get it done quickly and done properly. Good for both sides. “I will be meeting with (May). She’s requesting a meeting and we’ll have a meeting right after I get into the W

Trump meets Martin Luther King III

Amid the controversy that is currently rocking the inauguration of Donald Trump, more than 30 members of Congress will boycott Donald Trump’s inauguration on Friday, as believes still rages from his uncomplimentary remarks about rights icon and congressman John Lewis. Trump who is web in some other controversial spots, upgraded his profile of controversy when he lashed out on the last standing member of the civil rights movement that marches in the 1963 Washington protest led by Martin Luther King. Similarly, in a surprised visitation, Martin Luther King III, the oldest child of Martin Luther King Jr, arrived at Trump Tower in New York to meet the president-elect. This came barely 48hour after president-elect Trump called congressman John Lewis  "All Talk" no action man who had barely focused on his district which is now ridden with crimes and more poverty level. In a conversation which lasted for over 50minutes, King III who was seen moving out of the Trump mansion alon

Istanbul nightclub shooter caught

Following the New Year's eve shooting in a nightclub in Istanbul, Turkey, that claimed over 38 lives, the police in Istanbul have reported the arrest of the shooter in a mass spree of bullets. According to the Turkish media, the shooter identified as Abdulgadir Masharipov  was captured in an apartment in Istanbul's Esenyurt district during a massive police operation late on Monday, security sources told state-run Anadolu Agency. Mark Lowen ‏ @ marklowen     Mark Lowen Retweeted Habertürk # Turkish media report police have caught # Reina nightclub New Years Eve attacker in # Istanbul suburb of Esenyurt after massive manhunt The shooter who had been on a nation manhunt following the deaths of so many persons had been on the radar of the Turkish forces after the attacks that killed 39 persons at the reina nightclub in Istanbul. The attacker who sprayed over 120 bullets on the Bosphorus left over 69 p

Barrack Obama takes a bow in style

 Barrack Obama takes a bow- pt 1   In what looks like just yesterday when he first walked through the aisle of the capitol hill, crisps-crossing the hard-line between racial divisiveness and absolute Americanism, president Barrack Obama once again showed his charismatic candor as he bids farewell to Americans in his Chicago home town where he first nursed the absolute ambition to led the free world. Fired by passion, he sojourned this cause to a logical conclusion as he underwent the very hard process of been a leader from start to finish without hesitating on what lies ahead in the decision process when the bulks rest on his table been awaited both by congress and in some die cases, NSA and the other arms of intelligence. This decision articulation was clearly evidenced in Mr. president quick call during an historic all time operation that saw the American seal gun down the world most dreaded terrorist in a K.I.A fashion that knows no bound. That was the mathematical leptokoric t

Trump fights rights icon John Lewis

US civil rights campaigner, Congressman John Lewis and last surviving speaker from the 1963 March on Washington, led by Martin Luther King, joined the bandwagon of the very skeptical Americans who thinks a Donald Trump presidency is nothing but all a charade movie orchestrated by the Russians in trying to undermine the legitimacy of the United States electoral process. Lewis who came under the thick skin of president-elect Trump, fired his rhetoric just when civil rights activists led by Rev Al Sharpton began a week of protests ahead of the Jan.20 inauguration. According to the African American civil rights activists, Trump isn't the legitimate president fit enough to occupy the oval office as he thinks his emergence may not be unconnected to the recent findings of the US intelligence agencies who categorically points serious accusing fingers on Moscow for their role in masterminding the timeline of the US general election that brought in a Donald Trump as winner over democrati

Trump suggest to drop Russia sanction

In his continued show of love to the soviet country, US president-elect Donald J.Trump has argued on the affirmative stating hints that he may lift the sanctions placed on Russia by the out-going administration of current president Barrack Obama.Trump also indicated he wasn't going to commit to a longstanding agreement with China over Taiwan—two signs that he would use any available leverage to realign the U.S.’s relationship with its two biggest global strategic rivals. In an hour long interview with the Wall Street Journal, president-elect Trump argued that he may not commit himself to a longstanding one china policy which gives the US the mainsail of recognizing Beijing as the mainland instead of fraternizing any diplomatic recognition with the small island of Taiwan. Known for his flip flops, the president-elect also indicates that the communist party rulers in Beijing needed to show good faith on currency and trade practices before he may consider committing self to

Charleston shooter sentence to death

Following the ill-fateful day at the black church in Charleston, South Carolina, in 2015, the shooter Dylann Roof who killed over eight persons while injuring several others, have been sentenced to death by a US court. The shooter who entered the Emmanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in June 2015 during a prayer service session, opened fire on the members as he claimed its victims in what many has described as a "hateful crime". The trial of Dylann Roof which began shortly after he was taken into custody by the operative in 2015, culminated into her high point on Wednesday January 11, 2016 when a US judge sentenced him to death shortly after his conviction was proclaimed. In a two-hour judgement delivery sermon, the prosecuting judge who sat as led Judge gave an impassioned statement as he took the ball to all the seated jurors who now awaits the final verdicts. Assistant US Attorney Jay Richardson reminded jurors that Roof sat with the church members for 40 minut

Donald Trump on a twitter spree

  President elect Donald Trump who still remain in sharp contrast to the findings and report by the US intelligence agencies over the involvement of Russia in the influence of the American electoral system, couldn't hide his emotions as he takes to his most cherish medium of communication to the American people. Donald Trump who have on ceaseless occasion vilify the report of the US intelligence agencies, didn't mince words on his twitter tirade when he pronounce Russia as most loved nation he would like to work with when he takes over as head of the capitol hill. Trump even after meeting the CIA, FBI, along with the country NSA Friday at the Trump tower in New York ,still couldn't find enough reason to believe wholly the complicity of Vladimir Putin in the influence of the election that brought him as president elect of the United States. Trump had earlier pitch his tents with controversial Wikileaks director Julian Assange who had

Truck explosion kills dozens near syria border

No fewer than 50 persons have been killed in a truck explosion which occurred in a rebel-held town near Syria's border with Turkey on Saturday. The explosion which killed several persons, also injured some others with several persons seriously hospitalized. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said at least 43 people, mostly civilians, were killed when the tanker blew up in front of a courthouse in the northern Syrian town of Azaz. Dozens more had severe injuries, said the Observatory, which monitors the violence in the country. In a round-up of its military operations over the last 24 hours in support of rebels in northern Syria, the Turkish military said on Saturday that 21 Islamic State militants had been killed in clashes. According to an Azaz residents who went to the local hospital, he confirmed a counts of over 30 laid out bodies as he told Reuters. Turkey's state-run Anadolu news agency cited a doctor in Azaz as saying at least 60 people had been kil

Army kills scores of ISIS terrorists

Following the recent Syrian truce deal been brokered by a Turkish-Russian affiliation, the Syrian states of operation have continued to witness near breach of agreement of a peace deal which rebel opposition parties have continued to raise against the backdrop of the agreed deal of a total cease fire. The cease fire arrangement which alienated that of the Isis militant group could be better imagined as a case of wanting to obliterate the activities of terrorist influence in the absolute Syrian operation.   An army unit killed scores of the ISIS terrorists during military operations against their positions and gatherings in the western countryside of Palmyra in Homs province. According to a report by SANA, army unit clashed on Saturday dawn with ISIS terrorist groups in al-Tiyas Hills, north of the 4th station in the T4 area, about 90km east of Homs City. The source added that the army destroyed ISIS terrorists’ tank and a number of SUVs, killing and injuring scores of t

Florida airport shooting leave 5 dead

An airliner passenger at the Fort Lauderdale airport in Florida had been taken into custody due to his activities at the airport which involved a sporadic shooting with a loaded gun he had with him. According to officials, the gunman who was checked by airport security with a an unloaded gun in his baggage took to a mass spree after he subsequently withdrew his baggage and thereafter had it loaded at the bathroom. According to witnesses,  the attacker walked along the baggage carousals, shooting people as they tried to run or hide. They said he appeared to be in his 20s, was wearing a Star Wars T-shirt and did not say anything as he fired.   The gunman who is verified as been in his 20s was seen with a military ID but it remains unclear if its current. Reports indicates he was an Iraq war veteran. Florida Senator Bill Nelson told US media that the gunman had been identified as Esteban Santiago, but that has not been confirmed by law enforcement.The suspect surrendered to po

Putin caught red handed in US hacking

President elect Donald J. Trump has continued his tirade in shelving the idea of a Russian intervention during the American electioneering process that brought him as winner of the Nov.8 election. Trump who had consistently disputed the hard fact of a Russian influence on his candidacy called for a more accurate findings by the intelligence agencies who now stand in contrast with his views. In a full detailed report presented to Mr. Trump and read by the intelligence agencies during a meeting Friday at the Trump tower right there in Manhattan New York, the president elect downplays the direct meddling of the Kremlin in helping him win the election over opposition rival Hillary Clinton. According to the briefing at the Trump tower,  Russia collected data “on some Republican-affiliated targets,” but did not disclose the contents of whatever it harvested. The cyberattacks which was calculated by the Kremlin in discrediting Mrs. Clinton made sure Trump remains their rightful candida

Chicago police tells true story

WHAT HAPPENED, ACCORDING TO CHICAGO POLICE: The incident began on December 31, when the victim and one of the suspects, 18-year-old Jordan Hill, met at a suburban McDonald's to begin what both the victim and his parents believed would be a sleepover. Instead, Hill drove the victim around in a stolen van for a couple of days, ending up at a home in Chicago, where two of the other suspects lived. The victim told police what began as playful fighting escalated, and he was bound, beaten and taunted with racial slurs and disparaging comments about his mental capacity. A downstairs neighbour who heard noises threatened to call police. When two of the suspects left and kicked down the neighbour's door, the victim escaped. A police officer later spotted the obviously disoriented man wandering down a street. The man was bloodied and wearing a tank top that was inside-out and backward. He had on jean shorts and sandals, despite freezing weather. Later, police d

Chicago video brutality

The online community seem to have been hit by a fast moving viral video of four African-Americans who went against the back drop of commonsense in torturing their victims while deriving pleasure from his pains and anguish. The video which was released on Facebook showed four Africa-American featuring two males and two females as they brutally descended on their white victims whom had "special needs". The victim who was beaten and taunted, threatened with a knife and forced to drink from a toilet, was also promised death by her attackers as they pierced deeply a sharp object into his hair until it gushes out blood.  From the video, her attackers was heard voicing several racial languages as they threw jabs at the 45th president elect of the United States Donald Trump saying the "F" word to him. Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said investigators initially concluded that the 18-year-old man was singled out because he has "special needs", not becaus

Obama in saving obamacare

In a quick bid to save some of his administration policy over the last eight years, outgoing president of the United States, Barrack Obama heads to the capitol hill as he continues to hold brief summary tactics with fellow democrats about a strategic ploy in trying to save the Affordable Act Care plan "ObamaCare" which has become one of his major giant strides achievement as president of the US. While democrats will be leveraging on the narrative of targeting the Republican idea of taking away affordable healthcare plan coverage from the door steps of millions of Americans, Vice President-elect Mike Pence also meet with House and Senate Republicans in a separate meetings on Capitol Hill Wednesday. According to Pence, it has become pertinent for congress to stand up tall against an health program whose cost affordability reels deep down into the pockets of millions of Americans. President Obama whose most powerful conversational argument against the Republicans view to

Trump derides report on Russian Hack

Following the US presidential election  hacking saga that has continually pointed her fore accusing fingers to the Russian government in her complicity, president-elect Donald Trump have refused to believe the case despite the report by the US intelligent agency which stated unequivocally the grand conspiracy of Russian hackers in the manipulation of the US cyber system during the 2016 November general election. Before the election, when 17 US intelligence agencies issued a public statement concluding that Russia orchestrated the hack of the Democratic National Committee, Trump immediately cast doubt on those conclusions, arguing it was impossible to distinguish between a Russian government operative and "somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds." President elect Donald Trump who took voraciously to his most loved channel of communication dissemination went hard on the intelligence agency report, calling it unfathomable while casting doubt about their gath